All I Said Was by Michael Morpurgo and Ross Collins

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All I Said Was by Michael Morpurgo and Ross Collins

Buy All I Said Was by Michael Morpurgo and Ross Collins at or

Category: Dyslexia Friendly
Rating: 4/5
Reviewer: Sue Magee
Reviewed by Sue Magee
Summary: How do parents who have dyslexia read to their children? Well, one way is by using Barrington Stoke's books which are designed to make reading to children easier - and that's got to be a good thing.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 32 Date: February 2014
Publisher: Barrington Stoke
External links: Author's website
ISBN: 978-1781123485

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Our young friend looked up at the window and saw a pigeon balancing on the window sill and our young friend had a thought. I'd like to be you, he said, dreaming of flying off to anywhere that he liked. The pigeon was quite happy to change places: lying on the bed reading a book seemed like a good idea, so the two changed places. Our young hero thought it was great as he flew off towards the sea:

I want to be a bird all my life.

Be careful of what you wish for, for surely it might come true. First it was the gulls who came after him, so our hero headed inland. But then it was the crows who mobbed him. He tried to hide in a field - but the farmer chased him. Suddenly books seemed really appealing - and he headed for home. That was when the horror was shown to him - there was no way to change back. The hero pigeon does have a lsmall revenge - but it would have to last him a long time. The humour is a little dark but if your child enjoys that then you have a winner of a book here.

How does a dyslexic parent or carer read a book to a small child? That's not a joke. There isn't a clever punch line coming. It's very difficult and the problem can be self perpetuating, because it's the children who learn to love books at a young age who do best and they'll pass it on to their children. Those lovely people at Barrington Stoke are doing their best to help. All I Said Was is dyslexia friendly but it's not aimed at children with dyslexia - rather at helping adult sufferers to read books to children. The book has the firm's trade-mark off white paper which cuts out the glare which you can get from white and which distracts. It's substantial paper so there's no shadow coming through from the reverse. And the font is clear and easy to read. There are no tricksy letters made of ribbons or decorated with flowers which confuse the eye. It's just simple and gloriously clear.

Remember too that even young readers who don't have dyslexia find reading books designed in this way so much easier. They're more likely to find it a pleasure - and what could be better than that?

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.

You'll find lots of dyslexia-friendly books for all ages here.

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