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[[image:Matthew de Lacey Davidson.jpg|left]]
Matthew de Lacey Davidson is the author of two poetry collections, ''Please Don't “Please Don’t Forget Me'' Me” and ''What Souls Might Bear;'' a play in verse, ''What Really Counts;'' a collection of short stories entitled, ''Roses in December: Haunting and Macabre Tales;'' and the a historical novel about civil rights leader Frederick Douglass' Douglass’ first trip to Ireland, ''Precept.'' ''Precept'' was voted one of the top ten self-published books of 2018 by He has had poems, articles, cartoons, and short stories published in the online literary journals, ''Danse MacabreThe Junction,'' '','' ''The JunctionPickle Fork,'' and ''The Writing Cooperative.'' Davidson has had cartoons published in (on ''TOM Magazine,'' ); and in the online literary journal, ''Canadian Science NewsDanse Macabre.'' He is also a composer and pianist and has released twelve compact discs. He lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, with his wife, Shayna, and a plethora of Siamese and Tonkinese cats. ''The Worst Dogs'' is his first mystery novel. You'll find out more about him on his [ website].