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Created page with "{{infobox |title=Bossy Jonathan Fossy (The Ever So Series) |author=Julie Fulton and Elina Ellis |reviewer=Sue Magee |genre=For Sharing |summary=You'll want to smack Jonathan -..."
|title=Bossy Jonathan Fossy (The Ever So Series)
|author=Julie Fulton and Elina Ellis
|reviewer=Sue Magee
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=You'll want to smack Jonathan - but he gets his comeuppance in an excellent way. Great fun.
|publisher=Maverick Arts Publishing
|date=March 2016

Jonathan Fossy was ever so bossy, demanding that his Mum bring him chocolate and gum and then paint his bedroom bright blue. He made demands of everyone, including the neighbours (a ten feet wide boat with a cabin for him) and you might wonder why ''anyone'' put up with it. (I had in mind a sharp slap across the back of a couple of bare legs, but that's probably illegal, albeit effective, these days.) Finally PC Moran hatched a dastardly plan: I'm not going to tell you what it was, but suffice it to say that he got his comeuppance in a most effective way and was a decidedly more pleasant young man thereafter.

It's a lovely story, written in rhyme, which fairly zips along as you wonder at Jonathan's dreadful behaviour and then savour his suffering, on board, of all places, a pirate ship with some people who have a very long list of jobs which have to be done immediately, if not sooner. No Jonathans are harmed in the making of this story, but please do try to remain dignified as you giggle at his discomfiture: the tears running down the face is so not a good look.

The illustrations by Elina Ellis perfectly complement Julie Fulton's story. At the beginning Jonathan has the sort of face which could easily drive you to violence, but there's a quite remarkable transformation when he realises quite how unpleasant he's been. Children enjoy stories about other kids behaving badly and the message that this sort of behaviour really isn't acceptable is subtle but consistent. It's a great, fun book which kids are going to enjoy and which is no problem to read again, and again, and...

I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.

Julie Fulton has written some more stories about people who are not ''entirely'' pleasant. We think you might enjoy hearing about [[Daniel O'Dowd Was Ever So Loud by Julie Fulton and Elina Ellis|Daniel O'Dowd]], [[Miss Dorothy-Jane Was Ever So Vain by Julie Fulton and Jona Jung|Miss Dorothy Jane]], [[Mrs MacCready Was Ever So Greedy by Julie Fulton and Jona Jung| Mrs MacCready]] and [[Tabitha Posy Was Ever So Nosy by Julie Fulton and Jona Jung|Tabitha Posy]].


[[Category:Julie Fulton]]
[[Category:Elina Ellis]]

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