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[[Category:Authors|Hennerley, Richard]]
This is the author's first novel. Over the years he has worked extensively in the field of public relations. The author refuses to disclose exactly what area of PR he worked in, or who his clients were and also refuses to be drawn on the question of whether or not his past work experience is reflected in the situations and characters featured in ''I Really, Really Want It.'' We cannot guarantee that the picture of the author is a true likeness or that his given name is real, we do not know where he lives, or his age. The author himself freely admits that he has ''issues'' distinguishing between fact and fiction.
I add my "interview" of me to further explain my strategy:
Tell us a bit about your book 'I Really, Really Want It'…. what is it about?
''''I Really, Really Want It'' is, superficially, about fame and celebrity but it's also about love, life, death, the fact that none of us are entirely good or bad and that we all live in a world where truth, fiction and lies exist simultaneously side-by-side, informing every aspect of our lives and how we inter-react with each other.''
How did you come up with the title?
''It's taken from the whole talent show things, when asked how much they want to be famous, people always reply ''I really, really want it.''''
Tell us about you yourself, how much can you say?
''You've read the book, so you'll understand that I have to protect myself. All I'm prepared to say is that I've spent most of my working life in PR. I won't say in exactly what field of PR so don't ask.''
Is the book part of a series? Are you planning any more?
''For the characters who survive ''I Really, Really Want It'' things are left very much open so, yes, there will be a sequel. Of course, there'll be a whole load of new nastiness in there as well, in fact I've got some very scary stuff to put in the sequel, stuff you may or may not believe which may or may not be true. Believe it. Don't believe it.''
What inspired you to write the book?
The saying ''all that glitters is not gold.'' We peddle this idea to kids that celebrity is a panacea for all problems, that it's all good. Truth is it's a strange and disturbing world, replete with sociopaths, fakes and freaks.''
There are a lot of real-world similarities. Are the characters based on real celebrities you know or have worked with?
''Hmm… now you're straying down a road best not traveled, which is not what we agreed. I absolutely won't give you a straight answer here, and don't press the point. The characters may be based on real people I've known, they may be composites or they may be straight from my imagination. It's up to the reader to decide who or what the characters are and if we're talking about character here, who of us is really real, is really presenting their true, unvarnished face to the world? Truth and lies. Figure it out. Don't figure it out.''
Who do you think will enjoy reading the book?
''Anyone who loves, hates or is intrigued not just by celebrity but by people in general.''

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