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'''* BB: Maybe not, but one day there'll be a chink of light at the end of the tunnel …
The first draft of [[Chocolate Mousse and Two Spoons by Lorraine JenkinsJenkin|Chocolate Mousse and Two Spoons]] was written in South America, and I'd like to hear some more about that trip (maybe this is just a repeat of how on earth did you find the time!!!). For instance, was the writing a product of boredom, homesickness or obsessive writing syndrome (to coin a phrase)? '''
LJ: My trip to South America was the result of a moment of life clarity / early mid-life crisis in 2003. I woke up one morning with a hangover and another busy day ahead, thought, ''Enough! I want to be a writer!'' so I packed in my job, rented out my house and set off. Typically, about a week before I left, I got together with my (now) partner Huw and so flew to Argentina knowing that the bloke I'd left behind was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my days with. The writing was something I'd always wanted to do, but never had the time – in my pre-children days, I had a busy job and a hectic social life and writing was more of a romantic ideal, rather than something I actually did.
'''* BB: How do you go about the business of making up a plot? I'm wondering if it arrives almost complete or is it more or a meandering journey where characters lead the storyline?'''
LJ: So far, I have had the main plot lines in my head and I start writing knowing the main characters and what they will doing. As the plot develops, the other characters develop also and take on little lives of their own. However, [[Cold Enough to To Freeze Cows by Lorraine jenkinsJenkin|Cold Enough to Freeze Cows]] was different somewhat as the planned plot changed and the main character became a side character when my own life changed – I became pregnant again and it seemed only fair that some of the things that were happening to me also happened to some of my characters.
'''* BB: I particularly loved Godfrey in ''Eating Blackbirds'' and Menna in ''Cold Enough to Freeze Cows''. Who are your favourite characters?'''
LJ: Having not done a course, I can't know whether I am right or not, but my feeling is that courses just delay the actual starting of that novel. Procrastination seems to be a legitimate sport in writing and I read countless letters to writing magazines about how to start a book, should they do this or that first, before or after breakfast and I just want to scream, ''GET ON WITH IT!'' There are no right or wrong ways to write something – as long as it works for the reader. I don't think writing can be formulaic and therefore, aside from grammar, it is difficult to teach.
'''*BB: Do you have a web-site? Do you enjoy blogging?''' LJ: I don't have a website yet, but do have plenty of web-presence – within Honno (publisher), Academi etc, so hopefully people can find me if they look. I did set up a blog, but I think that, as a writer, a blog is my shop window, so every blog must be well written and funny. I found the pressure of time too great; I can either think about and write a witty little blog, or I can get on with my next chapter and I think it's best to do the chapter. I do manage a Tweet about once a week. It's all in a list of Things To Do When I Have Some Time…
'''* BB: And last but not least, what's cooking for the next novel?'''

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