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==General fiction==
|author=Panos Karnezis
|title=The Convent
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Our Lady of Mercy is a small convent on the Spanish sierra made up of a handful of devoted nuns who live their lives simply, carrying out their daily duties like clockwork. However things change when a suitcase containing a newborn baby is left mysteriously outside the convent doors. The Mother Superior, Sister Maria Ines, believes the baby to be a miracle and plans to keep him in the convent, but the other sisters do not agree. During the events that follow the true characters of the nuns inside the convent are revealed and the peace that the sisters enjoy is stripped away to show the tension that has been bubbling away under the surface.
|author=Glenn Cooper
|summary=Irene Stanley had lived in Illinois all her life, on a farm which had been in her family for generations and where the boundary of the property was the Mississippi river. She had friends, family and her church in the area and it came as a shock when Nate came home one day and said that he was considering taking a job as a Deputy Sheriff in Oregon (that's pronounced ''Organ'' – only tourists say ''Or-ee-gon''). It wasn't long before they and their children, Shep and Bliss, made the long overland journey to their new home. Shep was a quiet boy, a talented musician but against his mother's expectations he settled into his new life well. Irene wasn't totally convinced, but accepted that life wasn't too bad for the family. That all changed when she was called home from work to find that Shep had been murdered.
|author=Johan Minto
|title=The Virtuous Saint
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Dr Marcus Hoag has been searching for the lost Regula Monachorum of St Benedict for the last thirty five years and the fruits of his research are recorded in a notebook which he carries with him. He's been searching for clues in stained glass windows in churches and cathedrals and the discovery of two previously unknown windows at his old university, St Peter's in New York, sets him on a journey to England.
|author=Claire Connor and G P Taylor
|title=Rosie: Note to Self
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=In the first of a five book deal Claire Connor, writing in partnership with GP Taylor, brings us a modern romance based loosely on the story of Ruth from the Bible. This is total chick-lit, and from the first few pages I thought it was just going to be a very light, funny romance story. However, the story quickly takes a depressing turn and the rest of the book is as much an exploration of grief as it is a romance novel.
|author=Audrey Niffenegger
|title=Her Fearful Symmetry
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=When Elspeth Noblin dies of Leukemia, she leaves behind a strange bequest that will have dramatic and tragic consequences. She leaves her London flat and all the trappings of her life to the 'mirror' twins of her own twin sister who currently live outside Chicago. This is news to the twins who didn't even know that they had an aunt. The only condition of her legacy is that the twins, Julia and Valentina, have to live in the flat, which is adjacent to Highgate Cemetery, for a year before they can sell it. It is clear from the outset that Elspeth has secrets about her relationship with her twin sister Edie, which she is keen to keep hidden from the twins, but when it turns out that Elspeth hasn't quite left the apartment after her death, things get a whole lot messier for everyone.
|author=F G Cottam
|title=Dark Echo
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=In Rouen in September 1917, a French detachment are guarding the Cathedral. Guarding it and using it as a barracks and still doing their best to treat it as a house of God. After all, you cannot make a fortress out of a place designed to be welcoming.
One night the fog descends, thick and eerie, and reminiscent of the gas attacks in the trenches.
|author=Patrick Taylor
|title=An Irish Country Village
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Dr Barry Laverty is working for the older, and somewhat irascible Dr Fingal O'Reilly, in the fictional Ulster village of Ballybucklebo. They, their housekeeper Mrs Kinkaid, and the residents of the village were introduced in the book [[An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor|An Irish Country Doctor]], which I haven't read, so it took me a few chapters to get into this novel.
|author=Alexander McCall Smith
|title=The Lost Art of Gratitude
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=I should say to begin with that it would probably be tricky to leap into reading this series with this latest book. This is the sixth book in the ''Sunday Philosophy Club'' series and returns us to the life of Isabel Dalhousie, our gentle philosophising heroine. She is still living with her partner, Jamie, and her son Charlie, editing her philosophy journal, and of course interfering in the lives of others. Her niece, Cat, has another dodgy boyfriend, this time a tightrope walker... Her 'enemy', Christopher Dove, is causing more friction and somehow, at a toddler's birthday party, Isabel simply can't help herself and finds herself embroiled in the woes of a previous foe, Minty Auchterlonie.
|author=Agnes Owens
|title=The Complete Novellas
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=Who is Agnes Owens? A Scottish author who portrays working class life from the nineteen forties and fifties. Now an octogenarian, apparently Agnes Owens started writing at the age of 58. Here are five previously published stories collected into one new edition, a companion volume to her short stories, published in 2008. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
|author=Matt Dunn
|title=The Good Bride Guide
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=As he approaches a milestone birthday, Ben begins to think back on his old relationships. While none of them seemed right at the time, he's not quite sure that the other option – his current single status – is really any better. With a good friend about to enter into an arranged marriage, Ben has the by this point predictable yet wacky idea that he needs the same thing – a nice young woman hand-picked for him by his parents. After all, who knows him better than they do?
|author=Nick Brownlee
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Jake Moore was in the Flying Squad but a bullet put paid to his career and ten years later he's running a game-fishing business on the Kenyan coast. Times are hard and there's every chance that the business will fold unless he and his partner, Harry, can find the money to pay their bills. Some strange things are happening in the game fishing business too – one of their number has died in a mysterious explosion on his boat and the body of a man who shouldn't have been aboard has been washed up on the shore.
|author=Thomas Pynchon
|title=Inherent Vice
|summary=The close of the '60s, the dawn of the '70s. San Francisco. Some people say the most influential people are Nixon and his cronies. Some people say they're Charlie Manson and his cronies. Some people call the smog surrounding everyone in the Bay Area air pollution, others a drug haze. Doc, the sole proprietor of LSD Investigations, is approached by different people, requesting two jobs of him, which both point to the same bigwig property developer. One of these is from his ex, now with said mogul, another is from a man whose prime interest immediately dies. How will this escalate into a manic mystery, hitting on mysterious yachts taking odd journeys, missing people, Nixon, dead people coming back to life, unusual retreats, and a host more?

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