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|summary=A handsomely produced rehash of Deadly 60 material, with a high browse factor which will fascinate children interested in wildlife. Although it doesn't add much to the material covered by the BBC series, it is a good summary and reminder, an ideal equivalent of a coffee table book for kids.
It's fascinating how many carnivorous idioms our language contains. While writing this review I had to ruthlessly cull many phrases to avoid a pun-overkill, but quite a few still remain at large. Backshall has a convincing evolutionary argument for humanity's somewhat obsessive interest in predators, but it can also be argued that the ''Homo Sapiens'' is the most successful predator of all and we tend to see ourselves in the creatures hunting around us, with us, in competition with us and sometimes for us.
You could shelve this book next to [[Favourite Deadly Facts by Steve Backshall]]. [[Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze? by Mick O'Hare]] is an excellent book of animal-related factoids.for older children and adults. [[Science: Sorted! Evolution, Nature and Stuff by Glenn Murphy]] is an intro to natural sciences for tweens and teens. Younger 'uns with a dinosaur fixation will like [[Dinosaurs (Henry's House) by Philip Ardagh and Mike Gordon]].

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