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[[Category:Authors|Connors, John]]

John Connors was born and lives in Liverpool in the UK .

He started writing articles and reviews for fanzines in the 1980s
inspired by music paper writers and a love of tv series Doctor Who. From the early 1990s he started editing and publishing his own zines – Top (1992- 95), Faze (1995- 2001) and This Way Up (from 2002). They contained material not just about Doctor Who but other tv programmes, music and films. This Way Up has continued to the present day though is now a blog.

Development of the Heart of the World series of novels began in the early 2000s more than a decade before the first novel, Elemental, was published in 2014. The novels update the traditional idea of the Green Man myth with a boy who is able to control the elements using an ancient volcanic rock. Two further novels in the series- Living Things (2015) and The Spectres of Winter (2016) developed the overall story and now in 2018 Blue Sky Black is the latest installment.

John works full time, is also a carer for his mother as well as being an irregular gardener. His favourite typo is epsiode.