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If You'd Like To Advertise With Us

Here at Bookbag, we believe that advertising should help the reader rather than just take any opportunity to guide surfers to someone who wants to make money. So, you won't see any adverts for casinos or text links to a site selling dubious drugs: it simply isn't our way. We know that you don't come to Bookbag to be reminded of what you were searching for in M&S or John Lewis so that embarrassing underwear is not going to reappear on one of our pages.

But, sites like this are expensive to run and we need to make the most of available space on the site. We've decided to make sites available for banner adverts such as this one on our Dyslexia Friendly category page.

Space is available on many of our New Review pages - listed here or their associated category pages. The banner would also be a clickable link to a page which you can nominate and the space is yours for a year. For this, we would charge £30 - or £60 if you would like the flexibility to change the banner up to twelve times in the year.

Publishers or authors might like to have a banner at the top of reviews of their books with a link to another site. For this we would charge £25 - and the banner will remain there permanently.

We charge £35 for guest posts, which can include two external links but please note that we don't accept links to gambling, gaming or adult content sites.

We're happy to discuss advertising on other pages - please email us.