Category:3 Star Reviews
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Jump to navigationJump to searchThe following 194 pages are in this category, out of 760 total.
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- Sadomasochism for Accountants by Rosy Barnes
- Salinger's Letters by Nils Schou
- Salt Blue by Gillian Morgan
- San Marco: The End of the Road by Margaret Henderson Smith
- Sanctuary by Robert Edric
- Satantango by Laszlo Krasznahorkai
- Saving Caravaggio by Neil Griffiths
- Scandal at Six: A Lois Meade Mystery by Ann Purser
- Scarlett Couture by Des Taylor
- The Schism by Robert Dickinson
- The School of Music by Meurig Bowen, Rachel Bowen and Daniel Frost
- Schott's Almanac 2008 by Ben Schott
- Science Ideas in 30 Seconds by Dr Mike Goldsmith
- The Science of Herself by Karen Joy Fowler
- Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert
- The Secret Language of Sleep: A Couple's Guide to the Thirty-nine Positions by Evany Thomas
- The Secret Mirror (Emily Feather) by Holly Webb
- Secret of the Stones by Tony Bradman
- The Secret Symbol: The Original Masonic Documents Behind Dan Brown's Latest Bestseller by Peter Blackstock
- Secrets and Lies by Jaishree Misra
- The Secrets of Sophia Musgrove: Dancing and Deception by Janey Louise Jones
- Secrets of Success in Brand Licensing by Andrew Levy, Judy Bartkowiak
- Secrets to Happiness by Sarah Dunn
- Secrets, Lies and Locker 62 by Lil Chase
- See You In Paradise by J Robert Lennon
- Semi-Detached by Griff Rhys Jones
- The Senility of Vladimir P by Michael Honig
- The Separation by Dinah Jefferies
- The Serrano Succession by Elizabeth Moon
- Setting The Record Straight by Chris Worthington
- Seven Ways to Kill a Cat by Matias Nespolo
- Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman
- Shadow Gate (Crossroads) by Kate Elliott
- Shadow of a Thief by Celine Ibe
- Shake Rattle and Hurl (Rotten School) by R L Stine
- Shakespeare's Secret Booke: Deciphering Magical and Rosicrucian Codes by David Ovason
- She Rises by Kate Worsley
- Shipping Container (Object Lessons) by Craig Martin
- Shorty Loves Wing Wong by Michael Smith
- Shoulder Bags and Shootings by Dorothy Howell
- Sicilian Sunset by Jessica Porter
- The Sign of Fear by Molly Carr
- Signs of Life by Natalie Taylor
- The Silence of the Wave by Gianrico Carafiglio
- The Silent Bride by Shalini Boland
- A Single to Rome by Sarah Duncan
- Sir William Knighton: The Strange Career of a Regency Physician by Charlotte Frost
- Sirius by Jonathan Crown and Jamie Searle Romanelli (translator)
- Sister Assassin by Kiersten White
- Six Days Inside A Mountain by Louane K Beyer
- A Sixpenny Song by Jennifer Johnston
- Slave Harvest by Andrew Butcher
- Slingshot by Mercedes Helnwein
- Small Knight and George and the Pirates by Ronda Armitage and Arthur Robins
- The Smash! Smash! Truck by Aidan Potts
- Snapped by Pamela Klaffke
- Snowy Showdown (Felicity Wishes) by Emma Thomson
- Sock It! by Neil Griffiths and Janette Louden
- Somewhere Towards the End by Diana Athill
- A Song of Isolation by Michael J Malone
- Sons and Fascination by G S Mattu
- Sovay by Celia Rees
- Space Pirates: Stowaway by Jim Ladd
- Spellbound by Beauty: Alfred Hitchcock and His Leading Ladies by Donald Spoto
- The Spirit Photographer by Jon Michael Varese
- Spitting Cobra: The Egyptian Chronicles by Gill Harvey
- Splintered by A G Howard
- The Spoiler by Annalena McAfee
- Sprinkles! Recipes and Ideas for Rainbowlicious Desserts by Jackie Alpers
- Ssh! Lose Weight in 20 Minutes by Alex Buckley
- Stabat Mater by Tiziano Scarpa
- Stampy's Lovely Book by Joseph Garrett
- Star Wars Bounty Hunt: Lift the Flap by Katrina Pallant and Robert Ball
- Star Wars Make and Do by Katrina Pallant and Kate Rhodes
- Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige
- Stern Men by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog by Tom Watson
- The Sticky Rock Cafe by Susie Cornfield
- Still Water Saints by Alex Espinoza
- Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz
- Stormforce (Last Legion) by Chris Bunch
- The Story of English by Joseph Piercy
- The Story of India by Michael Wood
- A Strange Inheritance by Mark Neilson
- Strange Telescopes by Daniel Kalder
- Stripped: The Bare Reality of Lap Dancing by Jennifer Hayashi Danns and Leveque Sandrine
- Stung by Bethany Wiggins
- The Sun King Conspiracy by Yves Jego, Denis Lepee, and Sue Dyson (translator)
- Suspicion (Inspector Barlach 2) by Friedrich Durrenmatt and Joel Agee (translator)
- Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K Hamilton
- The Sweet Girl by Annabel Lyon
- A Sword from Red Ice (Sword of Shadows) by J V Jones
- Take Away the A by Michael Escoffier and Kris Di Giacomo
- Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon
- Tales From The Deep by Cerys Matthews and Fran Evans
- Taste of the Sea by Rick Stein
- Teardrop (Teardrop Trilogy Book 1) by Lauren Kate
- The Temple-Goers by Aatish Taseer
- Tempted (House of Night) by P C and Kristin Cast
- Ten Days in the Hills by Jane Smiley
- Ten Terrible Dinosaurs by Paul Stickland
- Tesla & Twain by Debbie Elliott
- That Certain Age by Elizabeth Buchan
- Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris
- They Call Me... Montey Greene by A R Yoba
- The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker
- This Is Not A Bedtime Story by Will Mabbitt and Fred Blunt
- This Little Piggy Went Dancing by Margaret Wild and Deborah Niland
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
- The Three Pigs by David Wiesner
- The Tickle Ghost by Brett McKee and David McKee
- Tiger Moth by Suzi Moore
- Time After Time by Tamara Ireland Stone
- Time Must Have A Stop by Aldous Huxley
- Time Swimmer (Island Fiction) by Gerald Hausman
- Time To Win by Harry Brett
- The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
- The Tiny Gestures of Small Flowers by Emily Critchley
- To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
- Tokyo Hearts - A Japanese Love Story by Renae Lucas-Hall
- Tom Gates Super Good Skills Almost (Tom Gates 10) by Liz Pichon
- Touched by Joanna Briscoe
- Touching From A Distance: Ian Curtis and Joy Division by Deborah Curtis
- The Tourist by Robert Dickinson
- The Tower by Alessandro Gallenzi
- Tracer by Rob Boffard
- The Travelling Matchmaker: Emily Goes to Exeter by M C Beaton
- Treats for a T Rex by Adam Guillain, Charlotte Guillain and Lee Wildish
- The Triangle by rashbre
- The Triumph of Ignorance and Bliss: Pathologies of Public America by James Polk
- Trixie Fights for Furry Rights by Ros Asquith
- Truth and Dare by Liz Miles (Editor)
- The Turkey That Voted For Christmas by Madeleine Cook and Samara Hardy
- Turkish Gambit by Boris Akunin
- Turn Back Time by Pamela Fudge
- The Twelve Dancing Princesses by Rachel Isadora
- Twisted Agendas by Damian McNicholl
- Two Weddings and a Baby by Scarlett Bailey
- The Vagenda: A Zero Tolerance Guide to the Media by Holly Baxter and Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
- The Valley of the Vines by Mark Neilson
- The Vanishing by Sophia Tobin
- Very British Problems: Making Life Awkward for Ourselves, One Rainy Day at a Time by Rob Temple
- Victor and the Sun Orb by Amy Nielsen
- The Village by Alice Taylor
- Voyage of the Basilisk: A Memoir by Lady Trent (A Natural History of Dragons 3) by Marie Brennan
- Wake by Elizabeth Knox
- Waking Merlin by Tanya Landman
- The Wall by Marlen Haushofer
- The Wanderers by Meg Howrey
- The Warden by Anthony Trollope
- We'll be Watching You by Eileen Robertson
- We're in the Wrong Book! by Richard Byrne
- Weighing It Up by Ali Valenzuela
- Wentworth Hall by Abby Grahame
- West of Here by Jonathan Evison
- What Does the Fox Say? by Ylvis and Svein Nyhus
- What I Love About You by Rachel Gibson
- What It Takes To Be Human by Marilyn Bowering
- What the Family Needed by Steven Amsterdam
- When It Happens by Susane Colasanti
- When the Magic Began (Felicity Wishes) by Emma Thomson
- When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle
- A Whisper of Wolves by Kris Humphrey
- The Whistleblower by Robert Peston
- Who is Charlie Keeper? by Marcus Alexander
- Why Do People Get Ill?: Exploring the Mind-body Connection by Darian Leader and David Corfield
- The Wife Who Ran Away by Tess Stimson
- Wildlife by Joe Stretch
- The Willow King by Meelis Friedenthal and Matthew Hyde (translator)
- Witches (Enchanted World) by Ruth Wickins
- Witches Incorporated (Rogue Agent) by K E Mills
- Witchstruck by Victoria Lamb
- Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo, Louise Simonson and Kit Seaton
- The Word for World is Forest by Ursula K Le Guin
- Worth by Jon Canter
- Wumbers by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld
- Y Square by Judith Park
- The Year I Met You by Cecelia Ahern
- The Yearning Heart by Sylvia Broady
- The Yellow House by Jeroen Blokhuis and Asja Novak (translator)
- You Don't Love Me Yet by Jonathan Lethem
- Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud by Andrew Lane
- Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada by Jimmy Fallon and Miguel Ordonez
- Yuki Means Happiness by Alison Jean Lester