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50 Games to Play With Your Cat by Jackie Strachan

Cats love to play. It is written in their DNA. From kittenhood onward, an innate curiosity about the world around them spurs cats to view everything as a potential plaything. For cats, the desire to play helps them to hone their hunting skills. For cat owners, it provides an opportunity to bond with a much-loved pet and create special moments that are entertaining to both cat and human alike. If you are stuck for ideas for games to play with your cat, or would simply like to try something new, then 50 Games To Play With Your Cat provides plenty of inspiration.

50 Games to Play With Your Cat by Jackie Strachan

Strachan 50Cat.jpg
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Category: Pets
Rating: 5/5
Reviewer: Louise Jones
Reviewed by Louise Jones
Summary: 50 innovative ideas for games to share with the kitty in your life.
Buy? yes Borrow? yes
Pages: 128 Date: December 2015
Publisher: Ivy Press
ISBN: 9781782403531

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The book is divided into sections, each exploring a different style of game. For curious kitties, there is an excellent array of hide-and-seek games, whereas the lazier moggy may appreciate one of the cosy retreats featured later in the book. We also have ideas for ball games, hunting games and toy designs. I liked the fact that the book shows the reader how to make their own versions of expensive store-bought toys, and add personalised touches to make it extra-special.

The beautiful colour photography is a highlight of the book and also shows us that the cats really do enjoy playing the games described. We see them rolling, hiding, swiping and stalking and it is nice to see that the cats in the pictures are getting a lot of pleasure from their work!

The book has lots of different ideas that will appeal to all sorts of cat, young and old. Most are very easy, involving items that can be readily found at home. Others require some basic DIY skills but are well worth the effort. At all times, the book puts an emphasis on safety and also points out the potential dangers of certain types of toy and the risk of leaving pets unsupervised.

50 Games To Play With Your Cat came at just the right time, as our family has just had a new addition in the form of a very lively young kitten. I'd forgotten just how much energy little kittens have, so will be keenly scouring the pages of the book for daily inspiration for how to keep him amused and away from my new curtains. Many thanks to the publishers for my review copy.

Cat lovers will enjoy I am Cat (mini edition) by Jackie Morris, a beautiful picture book with both a heart and intelligence.

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