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10 Things I Can Do To Help My World by Melanie Walsh

It's never to early to start making a difference. Melanie Walsh's book introduces young children to simple things they can do to change the world, from switching lights off, to turning off the taps when brushing your teeth. What's more, the book is made from 100% recycled materials, making buying it an 11th thing you can do to help your world.

10 Things I Can Do To Help My World by Melanie Walsh

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Category: For Sharing
Rating: 4/5
Reviewer: Keith Dudhnath
Reviewed by Keith Dudhnath
Summary: An introduction to environmentalism for the youngest readers. The book itself is wonderful, but there's the possibility that those who'd enjoy it most will be doing everything in it already.
Buy? Yes Borrow? Yes
Pages: 40 Date: February 2009
Publisher: Walker
ISBN: 978-1406311006

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The message is clear and simple: don't be wasteful, resuse and recycle. All but the stubbornest climate change denier can get on board with the ideas. I wonder whether that limits its audience somewhat though: children from green families will be doing it already as a matter of course, whereas giving it as a present to a non-green family could come across as preachy. Whilst it's not a preachy book, any time you try to convert someone, there's the possibility of conflict. It'd be a great addition to nursery and primary school libraries though.

Each page has a new idea for something you can do to help. Various parts of the pages have been cut out to give it an extra layer of interest. Melanie Walsh's illustrations are simple yet bold, mixing collage with drawings to provide a wonderful whole.

It's made entirely from recycled materials, which has given it a very slight roughness. Purely aesthetically, I have a genuine preference for it over many of the overly shiny picture books that are published. It's a lovely object to hold. If any publishers are wondering whether or not whether to use recycled products, chalk me up as being firmly in the pro-recycled column.

I'm still not sure if it'll carve out as much of a target market as it deserves, but any young child who is starting to show signs of wanting to make a difference will love it.

Thanks to the publishers for sending it to Bookbag.

Older readers should take a look at our Top Ten Green Books for Eco-Warriors. There aren't many environmental books aimed at children this young, but This Land is Your Land by Woody Guthrie and Kathy Jakobsen is suitable for any age, and has a right-on message running through it.

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