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Welcome to Bookbag's competitions! We have plenty more planned, so do keep checking back.

June and July Competitions

Robert thought that Shipwrecked by Siobhan Curham had great characterisation. You've a chance to win a copy to see if you agree with him here.

Jelly Cooper: Alien by Lynne Thomas is a fun story about a teenager who discovers that she not only has special powers but also comes from a distant planet. We'e offering an Amazon voucher so that you can download your own copy of the book. Enter the competition here.

Sue was impressed by The Spark by O H Robsson. We'e offering an Amazon voucher so that you can download your own copy of the book. Enter the competition here.

Jill really enjoyed Flowers From Fukushima by Clive Lawton, a haunting story of two survivors in a Japanese post-disaster wasteland. For your chance to win a signed copy of the book, enter the competition here.

One lucky person will win a signed copy of Queen & Commander (A Hive Queen Novel) by Janine A Southard. You can enter the competition here.

We'll add all entrants to our monthly newsletter list so you'll know when our next competitions go live, but if you'd prefer we didn't, just tell us with your entry and we won't. Please note that bulk entries and third party entries will be disqualified.

These competition is listed on The Prize Finder - UK Competitions and various other portals.