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|author=Marc Elsberg and Marshall Yarbrough (translator)
Electricity. Unless you're living in some kind of miracle world, you're using it to read this, and it is patently one of those things we take for granted. And we'd all be going to hell in a handcart if it failed. Traffic lights wouldn't guide us safely through junctions; mobile phone and laptop charge would be a valued commodity; those cow-milking robotic get-ups wouldn't operate – man and beast would literally all be tits up. So imagine a continent without it, all of a sudden – generating plants can't get back on, power networks can't deliver, and hundreds of millions suffer in a winter-time with nothing like as many utilities as they'd prefer…
I must still thank the publishers for my review copy.
For another look at a place gone to hell in a handcart, with thriller overtones, we can suggest [[The End of the World Running Club by Adrian J Walker]]. You might also be interested in [[Passive income with Esperio Broker: reviews of traders about the company's services]].