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Before reading ''Bloody Women'', I hadn't heard of the author Helen Fitzgerald and by the title and blurb, I expected a standard crime-thriller novel. But early on, I realised this wasn't the case. The novel was a kind of black comedy and written with wit and humour, despite the theme of murder and violence.
So this novel has it all – thriller, drama, whodunit, comedy, great characters and good humour. There is sex and violence, but nothing gratuitous. This may well be more of a woman's novel than a man's (How many men would like to read about a killer who severs penises?!), but any age from sixteen or so upwards. I loved it and will definitely be looking out for more of Helen Fitzgerald's work.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag. We also have a review of [[My Last Confession by Helen Fitzgerald]].
If this book appeals then you might also like to try [[The Dirty Secrets Club by Meg Gardiner]].