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General Science writing can have a tendency to become condescending and patronising to its audience. In other cases, through no fault of the author it can pitch itself over the head of the reader or fail to satisfy the curiosity and interest that they have. Science is a complicated subject for the majority and while scientists themselves are celebrated and respected, they are often viewed as belonging to a small private club where membership is for the chosen few. The triumph of 'The Reality Frame' is that it throws the door open wide and invites you in. The wonder and marvel of the universe is maintained but the fun and curiosity at understanding its inner workings are also retained. There is much within the pages for all readers regardless of their understanding of science as learned within the classroom and for this reason, the book is to be treasured and celebrated. What Brian Clegg has achieved here is an astounding work that I cannot recommend to highly. An absolute masterpiece.
If you enjoy ''The Reality Frame'', you may also enjoy [[Exploring Space: From Galileo to the Mars Rover and Beyond by Martin Jenkins and Stephen Biesty]], [[From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time by Sean Carroll]], [[Einstein's Telescope: The Hunt for Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe by Evalyn Gates]] and [[Why Does E Equal mc Squared? By Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw]].