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When it's cold and bleak outside, when the news is grim and depressing, when everything sucks, there's only one thing to do: open up a funny book, lose yourself in the humour, and laugh until your sides hurt. These are the books that amuse us and raise our spirits. There are spoof novels, collections of hilarious trivia, and of course, the always excellent Alan Bennett. When you've wiped the tears of laughter away from your eyes, why not tell us about your favourites?


Review of

They Call Me Naughty Lola by David Rose

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A collection of adverts from The London Review of Books Lonely Hearts column will leave you spluttering with laughter. It's a book to dip into rather than read cover-to-cover but there's something for everyone and it would make a good present. Full Review


Review of

King Dork by Frank Portman

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Hugely funny, inventive, sexy and sharply observed, this is a wonderful coming-of-age story about a bright boy in the lower echelons of the high school pecking order. The dramatic conflict lacks a little tension, but the book is so funny, they'll be happy to forgive it. Full Review


Review of

Delete This at Your Peril: One Man's Fearless Exchanges with the Internet Spammers by Bob Servant

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An often hilarious extended leg-pull. Its deserving victims - email fraudsters - get their come-uppance at the hands of Bob Servant, a creation of comic genius. Full Review

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Review of

Lamb by Christopher Moore

5star.jpg Fantasy

Irreverent hilarity following a re-take on the life of Christ as it might have been. Mary Magdalene is rehabilitated as the smart gal she must have been, the disciples, parents, brothers and sisters of all the key characters get their due recognition in this witty and intelligent tale. Even some of the Romans come over as good guys. Full Review


Review of

Potty, Fartwell and Knob by Russell Ash

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If you've ever trawled aghast through the 'births' column of your local paper, pitying the kiddies lumbered with fanciful or illiterate names, take heart. It's not a new phenomenon. This book proves that idiocy, cruelty or carelessness has blighted the lives of thousands over the centuries - all because of a name. Full Review


Review of

Mort by Terry Pratchett

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Many consider Mort to be the finest of Pratchett's Discworld novels and this reviewer is no exception. It's funny, it's meaningful and it's interesting. In this book, in the Discworld, and in our world, it all comes back to DEATH. Don't miss it. Full Review


Review of

The Thursday Night Letters: A Stamp in the Wrong Hands... by P K Munroe

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Actual letters to, and replies from, everyone from the Pope to Prince Philip. There's occasional wicked fun to be derived from the tone and content of the letters, and the variety of the responses. Although the idea is hardly new, there are offbeat ideas and genuinely funny moments. Full Review


Review of

A Short Gentleman by Jon Canter

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Robert Purcell is a civil law barrister, modelled on his polite and restrained father, a High Court judge. Robert maps out his own adult life in advance, with the personal and professional accolades he expects to garner. However, his controlled and well measured life unravels in this humorous spoof biography. An enjoyable read. Full Review


Review of

One Red Paperclip: How a Small Piece of Stationery Turned into a Great Big Adventure by Kyle MacDonald

4.5star.jpg Traval

Kyle MacDonald takes us on his journey of bartering things you don't want until you're left with the one thing you do want, in 21 st century version of the game "Bigger and Better". His success is astonishing, and his story will make you "LOL" with all the 'awesome' and 'cool' things and people along the way. Full Review


Review of

Three Stories by Alan Bennett

5star.jpg Literary Fiction

Three Stories is, well, a book containing three stories written by Alan Bennett. They are, as you would expect, very funny. The observation is, as you would expect, sublime. The dialogue is, as you would expect, spot on. The unravelling of snobbery and prejudice is, as you would expect, downright vicious. There may not be any surprises, but it's a book by Alan Bennett. It gets, as you would expect, five stars from Bookbag. Full Review

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