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* '''BB: Which book would you recommend to people who enjoyed The Demon Collector while they're eagerly waiting for your next novel? '''
JM: [[Mortlock by Jon Mayhew|Mortlock]] if they haven't read it! But self-interest aside, Dead of Winter by [[:Category:Chris Priestley|Chris Priestley]] and his Tales of Terror series, The Black Book of Secrets and the others in [[:Category:F E Higgins|F E Higgins's]] series, Oh, anything by [[:Category:Marcus SedgewickSedgwick|Marcus SedgewickSedgwick]], [[The Dead (The Dark) by David Gatward|The Dead by David Gatward]] or The Bili SanGreal books by Sarwat Chadda.
* '''BB: Have you ever thought about collaborating with another author on a
novel? If so, who would be your dream writing partner? (Alive or dead, I'm feeling generous!)'''
JM: You're too kind! I'd love to brainstorm ideas with [[:category:David Almond|David Almond]] or [[:Category:Eoin Colfer|Eoin Colfer]]. I think Mr Colfer would be fun to work with. As would [[:Category:Marcus SedgewickSedgwick|Marcus SedgewickSedgwick]], I love [[White Crow by Marcus Sedgwick|White Crow]] and its modern interpretation of the Gothic. I suspect though that many writers are a bit like me in that they quite like to work alone, so it may not work. Writers from the past? They'd probably have me burnt at the stake for my heretical thoughts.
* '''BB: What advice would you give to authors just starting out?'''