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|title=Temptations of Power
|author=Robert J Jackson
|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan
|date=August 2006
Since the end of the Cold War, there has been only one superpower, the US. A new security dilemma has developed. No longer is the only major danger that of open warfare between states. International terrorism is the new bogeyman. No longer does terrorism keep to its own shores in domestic insurgencies. Terrorists are now capable of striking inside the homelands of those they consider oppressors. Temptations of Power argues that US foreign policy since the terrible events of 9/11 has failed to understand this globalised, interdependent world in which American interests, security, and prosperity cannot rely upon isolationism, restriction of homeland civil liberties and the flexing of expensive and unwieldy military force abroad.
|name=Robert Jackson
|comment= Of course, I loved you review. Thanks. Bob 

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