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Donny and his mother left their bungalow on the outskirts of Leeds and headed off to Suffolk to meet Donny's great aunt. It was never going to be easy as Skye, Donny's mother, was deaf and just about mute. She and Donny communicated by signing and usually they managed quite well, but when Skye had a breakdown in a car park in Colchester, their camper van was towed away and fourteen-year-old Donny was taken into care. He couldn't understand why none of the officials would believe him – in fact, were they all that they seemed? And why will no one let him see his mother?
I picked up ''The Salt-Stained Book'' an hour before the men's singles final at Wimbledon was due to begin. Time enough, I thought, to get an idea of what the story was about and then I could come back to it later. But despite warnings that the match was 'about to start',' first set over' etc I stayed with the book. I'm many times the target age, but it fulfils the test of a good book: whatever age you are it's ''still'' a good book. I was hooked before I was more than a few pages in.
You'll love Donny. He comes off the page and delights. Despite the fact that he'd never been near water he finds that he's an instinctive sailor the first time that he (accidentally!) gets in a dinghy. Much of the book is based on the Shotley Peninsula between the Rivers Orwell and Stour. You'll walk it, you'll sail it, you'll ''know'' it. Donny's put into care and he goes to live with the local vicar and her husband. They're glorious creations: you don't quite know whether to snigger or groan at them – they're ''just'' this side of caricature and wonderful to read.
[[Category:Julia Jones]]
[[Category:Claudia Myatt]]