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There is a lot of book for your money with ‘Dark’ and any pleasure you glean from it will be determined by your love of the Space Opera/Saga genre. If you are a fan there is certainly enough going on here to interest you and plenty of detail. However, non-fans will grow tired with the overly complex universe building and abundance of characters. There are classic Space Operas out there that would be a far better place to enter the genre with; Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune’ (as mentioned earlier) is a prime example.
We think you'll like [[Empire of Silence (Sun Eater) by Christopher Ruocchio]] better. You might also like to try [[The Edge of the World by Kevin J Anderson]], [[Chaos Space (Sentients of Orion) by Marianne De Pierres]] and [[Orphan's Triumph (Jason Wander) by Robert Buettner]].