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Newest Children's Non-Fiction Reviews

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Animal Babies by Laura Barwick

4.5star.jpg Confident Readers

Let's face it: with a fluffy lion cub on the cover, inviting readers to take a peek inside, only the most hard-hearted of individuals could resist the temptation to pick up Animal Babies to explore the further delights within its pages. Once hooked, the reader is rewarded with a visual feast of adorable baby creatures, each page seemingly cuter than the last. Full review...

The Arty Book by Nikalas Catlow and David Sinden

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Arty is your creative friend. He is the star of this art activity book from Nikalas Catlow and David Sinden. He's a bit brusque on the first page. This is Arty announces a big, black arrow. And Arty commands, Colour me in. Who could resist? Because Arty is a winsome little figure with nutty, curly hair and great big red glasses. On the cover, those red glasses spell book and they look unruly and exciting, don't you think? Full review...

Build Your Own Website: Create with Code by CoderDojo

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

The Nanonauts want a website for their band, and who better to build it for them than the CoderDojo network of free computing clubs for young people? In this handbook, created in conjunction with the CoderDojo Foundation, children of seven plus will learn how to build a website using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Don't worry too much if some of those words don't mean anything to you - all will be made clear as you read through the book. There's also information about how to start a CoderDojo Nano club with friends - which has great benefits in terms of harnessing creativity, learning how to code - and the benefits of teamwork. Full review...

In Focus: 101 Close Ups, Cross-Sections and Cutaways by Libby Walden

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Only recently I've had reason to applaud a children's non-fiction book for concentrating on showing its audience what they have no hope to see – in that case, the underground and underwater worlds, from the shallowest plant roots to the deepest oceanic explorations and everything in between. Other unseen worlds are all around us, however – they're what goes on on the inside of things – inside a pocket watch (remember them?), inside a yurt, a space shuttle, a volcano, a toilet… This pleasant square block of book not only gives us the outside image and a caption, but the full story of the innards, meaning the young reader is certainly going where they've never been before… Full review...

Build Your Own Website: Create with Code by CoderDojo

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

The Nanonauts want a website for their band, and who better to build it for them than the CoderDojo network of free computing clubs for young people? In this handbook, created in conjunction with the CoderDojo Foundation, children of seven plus will learn how to build a website using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Don't worry too much if some of those words don't mean anything to you - all will be made clear as you read through the book. There's also information about how to start a CoderDojo Nano club with friends - which has great benefits in terms of harnessing creativity, learning how to code - and the benefits of teamwork. Full review...

See Inside Dinosaurs by Michael Bright

3.5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

What would you do if the doorbell rang and when you opened the door you saw a giant Trojan-Horse waiting for you? I for one would not drag the thing in; it would be too big and could be full of angry Greeks. The same could be said of See inside Dinosaurs by Michael Bright. You may think that you are buying one thing, but instead you are getting an impressive triceratops skeleton, or a T-Rex model, or maybe even a book. Full review...

100 Facts Butterflies & Moths by Steve Parker

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Damn those bees. They're not the only flying creatures vanishing from our world at alarming rates, and the others, like butterflies and moths, are actually runners-up to Mr Bumble and his mysteriously dying ilk in pollinating plants. Plus they're more visually attractive. But even though this book has two nudges and a thanks given to the Butterfly Conservation body, that's certainly not the more notable feature of these pages. What stands out is the superlative content. Full review...

Angry Birds Playground: Atlas (Angry Birds Playgrounds) by National Geographic Kids

5star.jpg Confident Readers

Angry Birds Playground is a new educational book series based on a geographical theme. Rovio-the team responsible for the popular game- have teamed up with National Geographic Kids to create a stunning set of books that perfectly blend the cheeky humour from the game with informative text and breathtaking real-world photography. The series will appeal to young fans of the game and anyone who has an interest in the wonders of the natural world. Full review...

The Kew Gardens Children's Cookbook: Plant, Cook, Eat by Joe Archer and Caroline Craig

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

I grew up in the immediate post war period. Growing your own vegetables had been a necessity in the war and it was still a habit for those who had a bit of garden, so The Kew Gardens Children's Cookbook was a real pleasure for me, as well as a touch of nostalgia. The principle is very simple: show children how to grow their own vegetables and then how to transform them into delicious food. It sounds simple, doesn't it? Well, it might come as a surprise, but it is! Full review...

A Journey Through Nature by John Haslam and Steve Parker

4.5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Beautifully presented, this is a book that takes a worldwide look at the natural world, in both urban and rural locations. We start off in the city, looking at pigeons, the American racoon, the Australian possum and the South American Marmoset. I learnt 3 things from those first two pages, including what Kits are, how long babies live with the possum mothers and the pregnancy traits of the monkeys. We were off to a good start. Full review...

Under Earth, Under Water by Aleksandra Mizielinski, Daniel Mizielinski and Antonia Lloyd-Jones (translator)

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

One of the major remits of children's non-fiction books is to get them to look around them and gain a better understanding of what they're seeing. After a volume such as this, the obvious response is to see that as an incredibly narrow focus. For this book will take the reader and show them exactly what they can't see – from microscopic things living in soil even seasoned Scrabble players haven't heard of, right down to the fish swimming their way towards the Mariana Trench, the deepest section of sea on earth. Make no bones about it, this book is entirely focused on what is beneath our feet and sea levels, and – no pie in the sky response this – it is a winner. Full review...

A Journey Through the Weather by John Haslam and Steve Parker

4.5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

We're British. We LOVE to talk about the weather. But beyond the usual platitudes of Bit cold out isn't it or What a beautiful day, how much do you actually know about what's happening up in the sky? Full review...

The Great Fire of London: 350th Anniversary of the Great Fire of 1666 by Emma Adams and James Weston Lewis

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

While the average primary school child may not quite be able to fathom the importance and actual length of 350 years, it is no reason not to put a book out looking back that distance of time to major historical events. But it has to be a good book to justify the mental time travel that entails. And you have to hit on a remarkable subject, something that will open the young eyes to the danger, tragedy and drama of our history. Something like the Great Fire of London, as seen in this large hardback, which when it comes down to it, and for many reasons, is a very good book indeed. Full review...

Get Coding!: Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript & build a website, app & game by Young Rewired State

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Learning to code, even heading into my seventh decade, changed my life and for today's children it's important because it opens so many doors. It might look complicated, but all it required is concentration and - eventually - imagination. I had a reasonable mastery of the skills of basic HTML in three days with the benefit of a personal tutor, but where to go if you don't have that privilege or if you need some extra support? Get Coding! seems like the perfect answer. Full review...

Top Of The League by Andrea Mills

3.5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Football is known as the beautiful game and when I was younger I kind of believed this. I would spend my free time playing Heads and Volleys with my mates and then go home to try and complete my Panini sticker album. There was even the halcyon days when Blackburn Rovers won the title. As I have grown older, my cynicism has grown too. Leicester may be champions, but the day I feel that a group of multimillionaires beating a group of slightly richer multimillionaires is a win for the everyman, will be a sad one. Perhaps the love of football still burns bright in the youth of today? Top Of the League certainly hopes so as it is full of facts and figures all about the ball they call foot. Full review...

Ultimate Mapping Guide for Kids by Justin Miles

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

I've always been fascinated by maps: diverse features can be converted into symbols, drawn on a piece of paper and then passed to someone else to interpret. Making or reading maps are skills which stay with you throughout life and learning 'how to' is relatively simple and great fun. Author Justin Miles had a car accident in 1999 and brain injuries meant that he had to learn to walk and talk from scratch. Whilst he was doing this he decided to become a full time explorer and to support charities which inspire children to learn. He raises funds by taking on daring challenges, which have included climbing mountains, exploring the Arctic, crossing deserts and cutting his way through the jungle. If a man knows about maps, then it's Justin Miles. Full review...

The Ancient Egyptians by Imogen Greenberg and Isabel Greenberg

3.5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

There was more to the Ancient Egyptians than keeping the entrails of their dead in a jar, but that is a pretty cool fact anyway. As a civilisation they knocked around for centuries until Cleopatra had a nasty incident with an Asp. Cramming all the information on one of the most complex and intriguing peoples of all time is a big ask; making it assessable to children is even bigger. Imogen Greenberg and Isabel Greenberg have attempted this in The Ancient Egyptians. Full review...

The Roman Empire by Imogen Greenberg and Isabel Greenberg

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

You may not think it from my writing, but I actually have a degree in history. Some of this was on the Roman Empire, but even I struggle to remember what happened when during the time period. The Republic and Empire spanned hundreds of years, so Alexander rocking up with his elephants did not happen anywhere near the rise of Julius Caesar. Modern youths would not think to shove the invention of the microchip in with the Napoleonic Wars, so why would you do this with Rome? Kids need a simple book that tells them about the Roman Empire, but also puts it all in a context and timeline they can understand. Full review...

One Hundred Words: A first handwriting book by Anna Kovecses

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Little Mouse is learning to write. Actually, you don't just learn to write, you have to learn to hold and use a pencil and to control it so that the point goes where you want it to. Pencils - and particularly crayons - have a mind of their own, you know! So, we start of with the tripod grip and some tips about what to do if you find that difficult. Then we're straight into the action, starting with drawing a straight line from side to side and to see what's required we have a footballer kicking a ball in the direction we're going to go. There are fifteen examples where you trace the line, just so you get the hang of it and then you get to have a go on your own. Full review...

Nature's Day: Out and About by Kay Maguire and Danielle Kroll

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

I love books which encourage children to interact with nature - as opposed to a computer screen. I like to see them getting outdoors, preferably getting a bit dirty, being independent and getting excited about nature. A good teacher will inspire children, but Nature's Day: Out and About provides support and encouragement in equal measures and might just be what a child needs. Full review...

Pattern Play: Cut, Fold and Make Your Own 3D Animal Models by Danielle Kroll and Nghiem Ta

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Here's a neat idea for you. Provide pages with animal prints on one side - only by animal prints, I mean the sort of colours and pattern which you see on animals, not paw prints! Some are subtle and others are rather more in-your-face. On the reverse of these printed pages provide a cutting line so that you can cut and fold the paper and it becomes a 3D model of an animal. Provide some stickers which replicate faces, tails or beaks - or whatever else you feel needs highlighting - and number these so that they get into the right place. All you need to add to the mix is a pair of scissors, parental supervision if necessary for the cutting, a little imagination and you have hours of fun. Full review...

Where's Wally: The Colouring Book by Martin Handford

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Are you looking for something relaxing, easy to complete and which will allow your mind to wander freely as you gently colour in a pleasing design? Do you want to indulge your imagination and use the colours which tempt you at the moment, content that it will not affect the finished creation? Would you like large spaces which you can shade in large swoops as it pleases you? Are you aiming for a soothing finished product which is easy on the eye?

Sorry: you've got the wrong book. Full review...

My Book of Stories: Write Your Own Adventures by Deborah Patterson

5star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

If you happen to have two children, born five years apart, you can count on having to live through practically four full years of school holidays – and that doesn't include Bank Holidays or teacher training. Weather permitting, that's well over 1,400 days where the impetus is on to take them somewhere, or spend money. So what better and cheaper place to take them than their own imagination? And if you can't quite unlock the door that leads there, we can certainly suggest this book. Full review...

50 Things You Should Know About: Wild Weather by Anna Claybourne

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

Oh, this takes me back. Out of all the things we learn at school and profess to never want to need as an adult, the water cycle is one that I had forgotten about, until now. It forms the basis of a lot of our weather, after all – the way landmasses and seas warm the air above them differently, thus causing motion in the shape of winds and altering atmospheric pressure, that we call weather. And from the gentlest high pressure, that someone somewhere will always deem too hot, to the most furious electrical storm, weather is certainly something a lot of people like to talk about. Is this book the ideal place to learn the basics of such a thing? Full review...

Outside: A Guide to Discovering Nature by Maria Ana Peixe Dias, Ines Teixeira do Rosario, Bernardo P Carvalho and Lucy Greaves (translator)

4star.jpg Children's Non-Fiction

I'm on a mission: I want children - adults too - to spend a lot more time outside. I want them to have the benefits of fresh air, increasing their levels of vitamin D and the knowledge of what nature can offer them. I'd like the television, computers, mobile phones, video games and even books to be laid aside and attention given to what is available for free, but which - if we don't care for it - might not always be there. Fortunately the authors of Outside: A Guide to discovering Nature have the same ideas. Full review...

The Nature Explorer's Scrapbook by Caz Buckingham and Andrea Pinnington

5star.jpg Animals and Wildlife

An activity book, but not as you know it is what it says on the back cover - and I have to agree. Here at Bookbag we tend to avoid 'activity books' as they usually have soft covers, lots of stickers and they're the sort of thing you pick up at the supermarket checkout in the hope that it will buy you an hour or two's peace in the school holidays. The Nature Explorer's Handbook is a different beast altogether. It's part album in which you're going to collect and store your own finds, part explanation of the best practices of how you should go about this and part nature guide. It's a substantial hardback book with an elastic band to keep it shut - as it's really going to get quite bulky when your collection grows. Production values for the book are high - this really is something which will be treasured for years. Full review...