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|title=I Am So Over Being a Loser
|author=Jim Smith
|publisher=Jelly Pie
|date=August 2013
|summary=With whole shelves devoted to British Wimpy Kid-style, reluctant-reader cartoony books, it's unfortunate that this one stands out for being nowhere near as effortless as the others.
There's not a lot in Barry Loser's life right now to recommend it. Leaving aside his awkward surname, there's the fact that not many people like him at school, he can't remember show-and-tell, he can't think of a decent thing to start collecting when the whole class decides the geeky girl with the large stamp album is on to a winner, and most importantly his mother's now the star of a whole series of embarrassing adverts for the local supermarket. But hey, at least he's not too put off by the haunted house down the street, he could always find an unlikely best friend, or pet, and he's going skiing with everyone else soon. Or is he?