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|title=Digital Fortress
|author=Dan Brown
|publisher=Corgi Adult
|date=July 2004
 Writing quality is often perceived to be less important for 'genre' books, where plots and settings play a more important part. But even a 'genre' book needs to have a modicum of quality. Sadly, 'Digital Fortress' does not. It's the debut novel of Dan Brown that has been re-issued due to the phenomenal popularity of the [[''The Da Vinci Code]] '' and it is a blatant, mercenary and seemingly successful attempt to discount that popularity and generate some more revenue from a an earlier effort.
'Digital Fortress' is a thriller and thus I'd better start with a bit of plot. The plot is just about the only saving grace of the novel, and the factor that earns it its only star above one.
All in all, waste of time unless you have absolutely nothing else to read. And are very, very bored.
You might enjoy [[The Tower by Alessandro Gallenzi]] - it's a little better than ''Digital Fortress'', which we're going to shelve alongside [[The Gaudi Key by Esteban Martin and Andreu Carranza]].
|name=Claire E Smith
|comment= I thought your review was spot on, I only finished the book because I thought it had to get better .... how sadly mistaken I was! I really enjoyed Angels and Demons though.   
|name=James Waterworth
|comment= At last an honest review, too many others praised this book, when it was obviously no where near the standards of his books such as "the old dog" , how when he had built up such strong characters, he changed to this I cannot understand.  
|comment= If this is the first Dan Brown book you read, then you probably would rate 3 stars. His plot is mildly interesting and does provide some light entertainment for a reader, however I am in agreement with your character analysis and comments regarding the writer's ability to understand the nature of those with a high I.Q. I'd recommend as an early read only...his later books are of a higher quality (although not necessarily brilliant).  
|comment= I thought it was a dreadful book. The characters were two-dimensional and the plot poor. Even I'd worked out the puzzle, which was pretty obvious. In fact I thought it was a red herring. Da Vinci code wasn't bad as a holiday read but I think it's an awful cheek to be pushing these on its back.  
|comment= Your review was great, it grasp all the problems I had with the story and explained it. The book got quite predictable and the characters did not sound very much like they had that high of an I.Q. The ending got me VERY frustrated. Seriously, if a thirteen year old can get it, characters with 170 I.Q. can.   
|comment= it\'s depressing to read this review, but i see your point...  
|comment= Keep in mind that many people cannot tell the difference between a well written book, and a piece of crap. I read this book while I was in Mexico, and I am currently writing a Verbal-Visual essay on it.
I give it 4/5 stars.