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Welcome to Bookbag's competitions! We have plenty more planned, so do keep checking back.

July and August Competitions

When Rebecca read Two Lives by Sarah Bourne she decided that Sarah was an author to watch. For your chance to win a signed copy of the book, enter the competition here.

Ani thoroughly enjoyed Hibernia Unanimis: "Pro Deo, Rege et Patricia, Hibernia Unanimis" (For God, King and Country, Ireland is United) by John Piper and if you'd like to win an Amazon voucher to buy a copy then enter the competition here.

Luke was five-star impressed by Bitter Sixteen by Stefan Mohamed. If you'd like the chance to win one of the three copies which we have to give away, enter the competition here.

We have a signed copy of Leaving Gilead by Robert Crompton to send to the lucky winner of our competition.

Ani thoroughly enjoyed Bunderlin by Robert Crompton and we have a signed copy of the book to give away to the winner of our competition.

Ani was seriously impressed by The Brethren (Fortunes of France) by Robert Merle and T Jefferson Kline (translator). For your chance to win of the two copies which we have to give away, enter the competition here.

Please note that bulk entries and third party entries will be disqualified.

These competitions are listed on The Prize Finder - UK Competitions and various other portals.