Books for Review

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This is the list of review copies which are currently available to reviewers from The Bookbag. If you click on the image you will get full details of the book from Amazon. Books should be read and reviewed within a fortnight, but in practice we allow three weeks from the date the book is posted. Please don't ask for a book unless you are reasonably certain that you can send a review within that time scale. If you are in any doubt outline the circumstances in an email and we'll decide whether or not there is time available to send the book.

If you're looking for the review submission form, please email me and I'll send it as an attachment.

Please let me have details of the books (including the title and the author's name) which you feel you would enjoy and would like to review, in order of preference. The quicker the response, the more likely you are to get your first choice!

Books are sorted alphabetically by author

If you're looking for children's picture books for review, you'll find them HERE.

If the links to Amazon are loading slowly you'll find a list of the books we have available above each shelf - with a link to Amazon, where you can find more details.

Non Fiction Shelf

I'm afraid we've nothing at the moment.

Fiction Shelf

A Baby's Bones by Rebecca Alexander
The Memory of Fire by Callie Bates
The Hollow Tree by James Brogden
A Child Called Happiness by Stephan Collishaw
The industry of Human Happiness by James Hall
Absolution by Paul E Hardisty
The Waters and the Wild by DeSales Harrison
Last Instructions by Nir Hezroni
All These Beautiful Strangers by Elizabeth Klehfoth
Friends and Traitors by John Lawton
Madman Walking by L F Robertson
Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruicchio
The Anomaly by Michael Rutger
Egar Allan Poe and the Jewel of Peru by Karen Lee Street
A Necessary Murder by M J Tjia
The Spirit Photographer by Jon Michael Varese
The Emperor of Shoes by Spencer Wise

Children and Young Adult's Shelf

If you're looking for children's picture book for review, you'll find them HERE. New books added on 17 October

Boy Meets Hamster by Birdie Milano
The Company of Eight by Harriet Whitehorn