
From TheBookbag
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Here at Bookbag Towers we love to receive books from you. We don't guarantee to review them but we do cover an excellent proportion of what we are sent. The trick is to send books that will appeal to at least one of our panel of fifty reviewers! Our reviewers are able to make their own choices from our "virtual shelves". We've found that better - and usually more positive - reviews are forthcoming this way. If nobody from our panel has asked to review your book after a month, we withdraw it from the shelves and it won't be covered. If we do cover your book please remember that if we don't like it, we'll say so and we'll always make the source of the book clear in the review.
We try to review as many of the books we receive as we can, but we cannot cover everything. Books are sent at your own risk. Once sent the book becomes the property of The Bookbag.
If this arrangement suits you, could we ask you to think about a few things before you actually send us any books?

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