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|author=Adrian Selby
Kailen's Twenty are an elite; the type of mercenaries that live on in legend. It therefore stands to reason that the authorities want them dead but they aren't the only ones. As the guerrilla war between rebels and governing classes rages on, a lone assassin, as elite as the Twenty, unknown even to those on the same side is on their trail. Who is he and why the vendetta? The answer will be revealed one day to those still alive to hear it.
Adrian brings us a world where people self-medicate to fight without fear or pain. (Although being blown apart has the same effect with or without 'brew' in the bloodstream.) This concoction is almost an interesting character in itself; not only does it have an uncomfortable 'come-down' but it dyes the skin from the inside out so that battle veterans have more than their scars to differentiate between them – they have a deeper 'colour'.
Once we get to know the protagonists we find ourselves plumping for both sides. Our initial loyalties are with the mercenaries and it's actually Gant, one of the Twenty who is the easiest voice to identify due to his distinctive dialect. However , I have a soft spot for Kailen himself, a man worthy of his reputation. Wily, incredibly innovative and fearless, fighting has been his life and now he's looking forward to retirement with his wife and fellow fighter Araliah.
On the other side , we grow to like Galathia, a future ruler whom the demise of the Twenty can only assist. Through her eyes we witness some particularly agonising forms of torture but war is a great leveller and Galathia has her own problems.
Some fantasy attributes are familiar, for instance the delicious suspense of realising that everyone's life is tipping precariously so we can't guess fates. Yet it's that hint of brave originality that will entice many, including gamers. Indeed from the crashing initial chapters through the gore and shocks, to the quieter back stories backstories and that final, well sewn up ending, Adrian has produced a bridge between the console and the novel that may well have a feature film in it somewhere too.
(Thank you, Orbit, for providing us with a copy for review.)