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In summary, it's worth a go. Miss Hatfield is likeable and fallible and a little exuberant (most likely a pinch of the young author thrown in for good measure) and whilst the historical references may be slightly off, if you like a light-hearted tale in the corridor of another century then this is a delightful story.
''The Time Of The Clockmaker'' may very well be up your alley and if you think it is, you might also like to take a look at [[The Seventh Miss Hatfield by Anna CantalbianoCaltalbiano|The Seventh Miss Hatfield]] and possibly [[The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger]] – whilst it is certainly not in the same league (sorry, but it's not – rarely books make me weep and Audrey Niffenegger gets me every time), the time travel thing is quite good fun as a genre.
Finally our thanks to the kind folks at Gollancz for sending us this copy for review.