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|summary=A truly terrifying and astonishingly clever thriller that breaks all the rules. The story of a time-travelling serial killer and the victim who got away, this book will cut you up inside.
|prize=a copy of ''The Shining Girls'' by Lauren Beukes
|text=Thre people will each win a copy of the book. For your chance to win just answer the following question:
Chicago is in which US state?
|date=31 May 2013
As ''The Shining Girls''’ tagline says, this is a thriller that breaks all the boundaries. It’s a vicious murder plot that’s based on science fiction concepts, a science fiction novel which leaves its central concepts barely, sparely explained. I haven’t read anything like it before, and in a strong and crowded crime fiction field it stands out like a searchlight. But beware. If you’re sitting comfortably as you begin reading ''The Shining Girls'', you won’t be for long. This book sets out to cut you up inside.