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Brian finds home a bit of a trial these days. Since Mum went, Dad seem to have spent as much time as he could down at the pub. Big sister Emily does her best to keep them all fed and the washing done, but she's not that old herself and her only support is her boyfriend Mark. School's not going too well for Mark Brian either. Whatever he does he seems to land in trouble, even when he doesn't mean to and his teacher sometimes despairs of him. What that boy needs is a good listening to. Brian does have a secret though - his cave.
It's just off the beach near the harbour and above the high water mark. It's where Brian goes when everything gets too much for him. He's drawn on the walls and it's when he's exploring a tunnel he's never been into before that he hears a small, calm voice calling his name. And that's how he finds Dragon - a pale-skinned creature whose eyes hurt in the light from Brian's torch. He's been in the cave, on his own, for a long time. But it seems that Brian and Dragon have been brought together for a reason - and it's not just that Brian can actually talk to Dragon about what's happening in his life. There's the matter of Isabelle (who ''might'' be a witch) and her pigs - but that was hundreds of years ago.