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* '''Bookbag: When you close your eyes and imagine your readers, who do you see?'''
Hilary Freeman: I see teenage girls with very good taste - although people from 10 -93 (my gran and her friends in sheltered housing) have said they've enjoyed my books. I hope my readers can't put my books down. I'd like to think they find my books interesting and engaging, and that they make them think and laugh - and possibly even cry - occasionally too. I'd like to see a few more male readers. The covers put them off, but I think there's lots in them that boys would like too, if they'd give them a chance...
* '''BB: I love the [ trailer] andthe [ website] for the Camden Town tales! Howimportant do you think it is these days for a YA book to have supplementary content on the internet?'''
HF: Thank you. I've done two trailers now, one for [ Lifted] and one for the Camden Town Tales series. They're a great way of generating anticipation and suspense in the run up to publication. I think ignoring the internet as a marketing tool would be foolish nowadays. My target audience spend their lives on the web, so it's the best way to reach them. It's also a good way of reaching potential readers who might not see reviews. Unless you have a huge marketing spend on your book, publicity is hard to get, so things like trailers help a lot. It would be my dream for one of my books to be made into a film one day... having a trailer makes it feel a little like that.