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|author=Terry Pratchett
|publisher=Corgi Adult
|date=March 1989
Mort stands silently next to his father, the last remaining boy at the hiring fair. Approaching midnight, it appears that no one is willing to take him on as an apprentice. His father told him all that thinking and reading of books put people off and perhaps he was right. Suddenly, a horse appears with a hooded figure aboard. Perhaps things will turn out all right after all...
'''Reviews of other books by Terry Pratchett'''
[[The Carpet People]]
[[Good Omens]]
[[Only You Can Save Mankind]]
[[Johnny and the Dead]]
[[Making Money]]
|comment=It was actually the first novel that I read in English from cover to cover, back in 1991. I had been in the UK for few months then and as I still couldn't understand what people said to me half of the time, I had this idea that I couldn't possibly cope with a whole book. But there it was, abandoned by a customer in a pub I worked in, and I started on it on a lunch break and suddenly realised, that somehow, magically, I was actually capable of reading books in English. I never looked back.
And I also think that it's one of the best if not the best Discworld novel (I was sure it was until the Witches came).
|comment= Of course, it's not the first novel in which Death appears, nor is it really the first in which he plays a major part, as his house and adopted daughter are introduced and explored in some detail in The Light Fantastic. I am a Pratchett nerd :(
I still feel Equal Rites is the ideal early Discworld novel for the first time reader, it\'s character-driven and has less in the way of cameos from established characters like Rincewind and the Luggage. Amid the studied craziness of The Light Fantastic and Sourcery, it is an early mature work, if that makes any sense...
|comment= I love Terry Pratchett, but I am getting a bit muddled as to which ones I have read - lost lots of books in a flood as well as the ones that I have lent out and not had returned. This is a nice clear review and I know that I have read this one (and enjoyed it).