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The first step is to write a life story and the key to this is absolute honesty and given that it's you writing your story for yourself that shouldn't be too difficult. But it is. You're going to unearth a lot of history, much of it not having seen the light of day for a long time. You're going to think about where life started to go wrong and where you've done wrong. It's not something to do in one sitting – in fact, I think it took me the best part of three weeks – but what's the need for hurry?
The second step is one with which I've always struggled in [[Fulfilled: A Personal Revolution in Seven Steps by Deirdre Bounds|similar systems]]: finding a higher power. If you have a religious faith then this is probably not difficult, but I don't, being firmly of the opinion that if there was a God then he or she would not have burdened us with religion. Sandy has a deep faith but has in the past had a delightful ability to get on the wrong side of the religious. ''Oops!'', as he would say. He gave me a phrase which I took and ran with – ''god of your understanding''. The god of my understanding was firstly my conscience and then the fact that I'm a part of a larger natural system – and after that it was relatively easy.
The hardest part of the system for me was forgiveness. Forgiving yourself is probably the most difficult, but the realisation that you can go over and over the past without any hope of improving it puts it in perspective. I found forgiving most people easy, particularly when I weighed everything up and realised that I wasn't without my shortcomings, but this is an area where I still struggle with one particular person. For the time being I'm handling this by denying the negative thoughts rent-free time in my head. It's helping.