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[[Category:Women's Fiction|*]]
[[Category:New Reviews|Women's Fiction]]==Women's Fiction==__NOTOC__{{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Lauren Oliver1471180158|title=Before I Fall|rating=5|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=Samantha 'Sam' Kingston is, in many ways, your typical American high schooler whose concerns are pretty predictable: boys, friends, fashion, weird parents, annoying little sisters. Today it's Cupid Day, a chance to show off just how ''In'' you are at school, as measured by the number of roses you're sent, but Sam's not too worried about that. She knows she's part of a group who, by most definitions, would be called popular, and though sometimes inside she might feel on the inside a little like an imposter, on the outside, well, she's the definition of ''in''.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0340980893</amazonuk>}} {{newreviewMaybe Tomorrow|author=Suzanne Bugler|title=This Perfect World|rating=5|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=Laura Hamley sees herself as a fortunate woman. She has a successful husband, two beautiful children, a big house in a good neighbourhood, and a coterie of friends who fall nicely into the category of people like us. She's always beautifully turned out, and her position in the social pecking order is never less than high. She simply shrugs off the occasional moments of dissatisfaction - what on Earth could she have to complain about? And then Mrs Partridge makes an unwelcome phone call... |amazonuk=<amazonuk>023074401X</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Julie Cohen|title=Nina Jones and the Temple of GloomPenny Parkes
|genre=Women's General Fiction|summary=A sign of a good bookJamie Matson works in an upper-class grocery store, for me, often relates to how easily I can put it down. And then how much I want to pick it back up again. Nina Jones was a particular challenge for me as after reading it for an hour whilst my toddler napped I kept my thumb in man who's a control freak with all the page whilst getting her out subtlety of beda half brick. Jamie's son, snuck her downstairs still saving my page, put on CbeebiesBo, 'has his problems'. He's asthmatic and then sat next to her on the sofa to carry on reading for at least another hourmore you read, if not a little bit the more than you'll suspect thathe's on the autistic spectrum. I then kept it in the kitchen so I could sneak Sometimes Jamie needs to take time off at short notice - she's a few more pages frequent flier in between stirring the spaghettilocal A&E and sometimes Bo's not fit enough to go to school. And then once my daughter was in bed I went Missed shifts or the need to be away on time to absently ignore my poor, tired, over-worked husband (who got bored pick Bo up from school are occasions when Jamie can be controlled and went for a bath) so that I could read on to the end of put in the storywrong. I found myself mentally yelling at a fictional character (I hope it It was mentally and I wasn't actually shouting out loud...we have very thin walls), I swooned over the hero, sniggered often and I even cried going to come to a little bit toohead. So, a book that induces such family neglect and an emotional roller coaster of emotions is definitely a good read!|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0755341414</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Melanie RoseLauren Bravo|title=Coming HomePreloved|rating=4.5
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=We meet the narrator of this story drinking coffee from a thermos in a layGwen is pressing her middle-by, aged bosom on a cold grey day. All her worldly possessions are travelling big number that starts with a four and ends with her in her car, including her catan oh-my-God-I'm-nearly-forty. She has clearly Having been made some momentous decision, unexpectedly redundant - any HR officer worth their salt would argue the toss - Gwen finds herself having a bit of a mid-life crisis. Catharsis is key and Gwen has decided now is on the time to take back her way to somewhere new. I assumed that as story unfolded, Ilife'd learn more about her and where she was going.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1847561063</amazonuk>1398510629
|title=The Garnett Girls
|author=Georgina Moore
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=The love affair between Margo Garnett and poet Richard O'Leary was all-consuming, apparently on both sides. Margo was just sixteen when they fell in love. Richard was twenty-one and described by Margo's mother as 'an older man'. Her parents worried that Richard's influence would take her away from what they felt she could achieve - going to Oxford and having a glittering career. In the event, they eloped and Richard took her away from the Isle of Wight. Margo did go to Oxford and went on to become a well-respected journalist. The couple had three children: Rachel, Imogen and Sasha. Life was lived in London and holidays were spent at Sandcove, the family home on the Isle of Wight. Even then the doubts about Richard's drinking were never far from Margo's mind: ''she would never be able to leave him in charge''.
{{newreview|author=Stephanie Tillotson|title=Cut on the Bias|rating=4Then Richard left them.5|genre=Short Stories|summary=If ''Cut on the Bias'' is in your local bookshop, you will surely be won over by the feisty cover. Stories about women and their clothes are about identity, so what better start to a set of short stories than a fashion statement cover featuring the bags in which said clothes arrive home?|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1906784132</amazonuk>
{{newreviewFrontpage|author=Erica Bauermeister Hadeer Elsbai|title=The Monday Night Cooking SchoolDaughters of Izdihar|rating=4.5|genre=Women's FictionFantasy|summary=Drawing inspiration from Egypt, ''The Monday Night Cooking School is Daughters of Izdihar'' explores the first novel written by American writer Erica Bauermeister and it really is a delicious read in every sense. The novel tells lives of eight very diverse people two women who attend a cooking class once a month at Lillian's restaurant. Each has a could not be more different reason , yet find themselves fighting for being there the rights of women and each has his or her own story to tellweavers – those with magical abilities - in a society pitted against them. HoweverNehal, over born into the months that upper class, wishes to attend the course Weaving Academy to learn to control her abilities and then join the military, but instead she is run, they start forced into an arranged marriage with Nico. Giorgina on the other hand did not have a privileged upbringing like Nehal and feels great pressure to bond through the learning experience provide for her family and maintain their love reputation, whilst secretly attending meetings of the Daughters of food. ItIzdihar – a group campaigning for women's not the sort of novel where much rights. Giorgina also happens but if you are interested to be in people and you love foodwith Nico. What follows is a story of an unjust society, I am sure you will enjoy this book. Having said that thoughfilled with hypocrisy and cruelty, I don't think it is from which blossoms a book that should be read if you are trying to diet because you can virtually smell the food as you turn the pages!group of admirable women fighting for their rights and overcoming their personal obstacles.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0141038837</amazonuk>0356520471
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Kate MortonB0B575J99N|title=The Forgotten GardenBeneath the Porticoes|author=Brooke Adams
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Just before the First World War a little girl Elizabeth Miller was found abandoned on the wharf after thirty-four and a dreadful sea voyage from England to Australia. She appears not to know her name – or is unwilling to tell it – and all she will say is that teacher at a mysterious lady she calls the Authoress had promised to look after herprestigious girl's school in York. ThereIt was ''comfortable''s no trace of her though and the little girl was taken but she longed for something more in a by a friendly familylife. She forgot all about the events until many years later when her adopted father told her what had happened.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0330449605</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Cathy Marie Buchanan |title=The Day The Falls Stood Still|rating=4.5|genre=Historical Fiction|summary=I imagined this title as a 'Gone With the Windd ' sort of novel, a saga-esque historical romance, with a characterful heroine and page-turning story line that necessitates reading late into the night. Well, I wasn't disappointed in this paperback edition of still not found the hardback, already a best-seller in right vocation nor met the U.S.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0091925967</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Nia Pritchard|title=More Than Just A Hairdresser|rating=2.5|genre=Womenright man's Fiction|summary=It's a brand new year, and Liverpudlian hairdresser Shirley is looking forward now was the time to the months ahead following one hell of make a new year's eve partychange. She needed challenges. What's more, There was a little trepidation when she's going to chronicle her adventures applied for the professoressa job in her brand spanking new diary which she will write in diligentlyBologna. After a telephone interview, even when shewas offered the position and it wasn's feeling a bit 'morning after t long before she was exploring the night beautiful city. There were some natural doubts before'her first class but it went surprisingly well.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1870206851</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Anthony Quinn0241542405|title=The Rescue ManMeredith Alone|author=Claire Alexander
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=This love affair tale with the city of Liverpool is mostly told through the eyes of architect Tom BainesWhen we first meet Meredith Maggs it's Wednesday 14 November 2018 and she's not left her home for 1,214 days. With the Second World War looming She'd ''like'' to: in fact, Baines is desperately working she so nearly does. Her outdoor clothes are on a book and she's even considered which shoes to wear if she's going to catch her train. Then, she can't. She simply can't force herself to capture leave the memory safety of buildings her home. She's fortunate that are at riskshe has a good friend, Sadie, who visits regularly with her two children, James and appears Matilda. Sadie's a man more cardiac nurse and full of sound common sense. In fact it was Sadie who gave Meredith her cat, Fred. Groceries are online deliveries and there's also an internet-based support group where you'll find Meredith as JIGSAWGIRL, so you can guess what she does in love her spare time. Then Tom McDermott arrives. He's from Holding Hands, a charity which supports people with the past and solid, cold structures than mankindproblems such as Meredith's.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0099531933</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Lorraine Jenkin0008441618|title=Chocolate Mousse and Two Spoons|rating=4.5|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=From the first sentence: 'With one hell of a crash, Lettie Howell’s dinner service hit the wall…', I knew that I was going to enjoy this tale. An opening thus full of expletive and resounding Welsh Voice immediately makes it clear who’s the boss and I can relax, knowing I’m in competent hands. Welcome, Lorraine Jenkin, to my handful of favourite chick-lit authors.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1870206959</amazonuk>}} {{newreviewOther Parents|author=Ru Freeman|title=A Disobedient GirlSarah Stovell
|genre=General Fiction
''A Disobedient Girl'' follows two women struggling to retain control of their lives in the face of servitude. Latha is a servant girl to the affluent Vithanage family, whose daughter, Thara, is Latha's age. As children, the girls are the best of friends, but they are destined to be separated by class, which is made painfully obvious when boys come into the picture. Meanwhile, Biso serves a cruel and drunken husband who beats her and terrorises her children, one of whom is another man's love child. Biso's husband murdered her lover in a hateful rage when he uncovered her affair and she realises that she must escape his house if she and her children are to live. Latha too seeks escape, but she finds it in the arms of Thara's boyfriend and this sets off a chain of events that will echo far into her future.
|author=Debby Holt
|title=Recipe For Scandal
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=ThereJo Fairburn knew that she was under intense pressure as the new head of West Burntridge First School: if she didn's evidently t live up to her retired predecessor there could well be a house price slump in that part of the town. The school had an active Parent Teacher Association and the funds which they raised were a market for scandalous talesconsiderable benefit to the school. There was one difficulty, or else many a womenthough - they were ''devastatingly shockable''s weekly would have gone out of business by now, but this bookwith two members, though full of scandalin particular, is slightly differentcausing problems for the head. This isn't council estate scandal or even trashy celebrity scandal, it Laura Spence and Kate Monroe objected to Jo's juicy, firmly middle class scandal of restrictions on the type [[:Categorytoys children could bring in on Toy Day but that was just a warm-up act for their real gripe:Zoe Heller|Zoë Heller]] might write about, and it's wickedly captivatingLGBTQ education.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1847396542</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Jules StanbridgeGiovanna Fletcher|title=A Date in Your Diary|rating=4.5|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=Harry knows that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, but she also knows there's a difference between what we need and what we want – and she wants a bloke. More specifically, she wants a date for the latest in a string of friend-and-family weddings, a wedding where, thanks to a 'tricky' seating plan, she will be sitting Walking on the same table as her most recent ex...and his new girlfriend. With no prospects in sight, Harry comes to the conclusion that internet dating might be the way to go. At best, she'll find a guy who ticks all her boxes and will joyfully accompany her to the wedding before they live happily ever after, and at worst, well, she might get a story out of it, never a bad thing for a magazine journo.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0755347137</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Sharon Owens|title=The Seven Secrets of HappinessSunshine
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=It Mike's wife, Pia, who he was hard to think that life wasn't perfect with for Ruby O'Neillseventeen years, has died. She and Jonathan had an idyllic marriage And whilst he is dealing with his grief, so are their best friends, Vicky and a beautiful homeZaza. There was a job in a dress shop which she enjoyed and although she might not be close But Pia left them all some 'rules' to her parents follow, knowing that she had good friends. It was Christmas Eve dying and the tree had just been delivered by a lovely man that they would need help to carry on behalf living. Whilst some of the garden centre when rules are around practicalities such as clearing out her world fell apart. Jonathan had been killed wardrobe, another one that Mike discovers one day encourages him to take one of their trips away, and Vicky and Zaza, struggling with their grief and their own life troubles, decide to drop everything in a car crashtheir own lives, and go along with him.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0141028564</amazonuk>140593560X
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Sarah DuncanB09FS89KX9|title=A Single to Rome|rating=3|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=Natalie is in love with Michael. They've been together for three years, but Michael wants some space. He hasn’t said he doesn’t love her, so there is still a chance he could come back… Then he goes and finds himself a new girlfriend. Devastated, Natalie consoles herself with the help of her friends, who persuade her to go speed dating. There she meets Guy, a friendly man, who like her is trying to get over someone – his new ex-wife Vanessa. But Guy is one of the nice ones, and before she knows it, he has been invited to her friend’s wedding as Natalie’s date. At least she won’t be going alone and Michael will be there. But her love life isn’t her only worry. Past actions have come to light that have put her career in danger. At a loss, Natalie turns to Guy for help, who offers her the use of his flat in Rome. A place to escape? Or a place to dwell? |amazonuk=<amazonuk>0755345932</amazonuk>}} {{newreviewFall On Me|author=Lesley Pearse|title=StolenPenelope Potts
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=The story Life should have been good for Hollie: She was just going into the final year of her veterinary degree and - three years later - was still working at BB''Stolen'' is an interesting ones diner. David Mitchell is walking along Bob - the owner - regarded her fondly: he was a beach good boss. Hollie had moved in Selseywith her boyfriend, Sussex in May 2003, when Marcus: her mother thought he comes across a young woman – beautiful, half-drowned was great and barely alivehe was doing well in his career. She is taken Hollie wasn't quite so certain though: Marcus wanted to hospital control her and most of all he wanted her to leave her photo is featured in job at the newspapers, as the police hope to discover who she isdinerMeanwhile, Dale, a female hairdresser, sees Then there was the photo and believes the girl to fact that he would be Lotteviolent, who she befriended on a cruise they were working on. Along with Dale's colleague Scott – who also knew Lotte – they visit the girl, but she has amnesia both to her and seems to have forgotten almost everythingother people.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0718152859</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Julie Highmore0008421714|title=The MessageMrs March|author=Virginia Feito
|genre=Women's Literary Fiction|summary=''The Messageproblem began just after the publication of George March'' is very much a twenty s most successful novel to date. Everyone but Mrs March (we know her first century tale as it all hinges on a voicemail message made from a mobile phone. It is also based name only on the fact that it is very easy last page) seemed to send a message to one person when either be reading it is actually meant for someone elseor had already done so. This is what happens Every day Mrs March went to the local patisserie to Jen when buy olive bread but on that particular morning, Patricia asked, as she receives a message from her husband Robert. There is nothing particularly special about was wrapping the bread, ''but isn't this message; that is until Jen realises that she is not the intended recipient and then it has first time he's based a shattering effect character on you?'' She mentioned that Johanna, the principal character had 'her marriage.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0755343018</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Ann Pearlman|title=The Cookie Club|rating=5|genre=Womenmannerisms''s Fiction|summary=Chocolate bonbons with an almond glaze. Peanut butter cookies double dipped in chocolate. Coffee and raisin hermit biscuits. Crisp vanilla fingers with toasted almonds. Thin crunchy crisps flavoured with molasses and ginger.  If you're even Perhaps this would not have mattered, except for the slightest bit peckish after fact that, I guarantee you'll be starving by Johanna is the time you finish this wonderful book full whore of festive flavourNantes - ''a weak, plain, detestable, pathetic, unloved, unloveable wretch.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1847376843</amazonuk>''
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Eloisa James1473685745|title=When the Duke ReturnsUnbreak Your Heart|author=Katie Marsh
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=''When the Duke Returns'', the newest volume in the 'Desperate Duchesses' series, continues the regency celebrity romp saga where [[Duchess by Night by Eloisa James|Duchess by Night]] left off.
The focus, this time, is on Isidore, the Duchess of Conway: hot-headed, hot-blooded and Italian to boot, she was married by proxy at the age of sixteen and is still a virgin seven years later. Isidore's cunning plot to entice back the husband she has never seen from his travels in Asia and Africa works perfectly and Simeon, His Grace Duke of Conway is now back in England, ready to claim his estate and, as Isidore presumes, ready to claim his beautiful wife.
|author=Nia Pritchard
|title=More Than Just A Wedding
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=If you like novels in which little happens as the story strolls towards its happy ending, then Nia Pritchard's sequel to 'More Than Just a Hairdresser' may suit you. If the Liverpudlian vernacular and setting pushes your buttons, then maybe you'll enjoy its light-hearted picture of Scouse life. My mother-in-law will probably love it. I'm sorry to say that it wasn't my cup of tea at all.
|author=Jessica Porter
|title=Sicilian Sunset
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=Sarah Livingstone's jewellery business When Beth Carlyle and Simon Withers first met they were on opposite ends of an angry exchange - well, Simon was struggling but she angry and Beth was still annoyed when doing her father called James Ross best to apologise for helphaving knocked Simon's son, Jake, off his bike. Sarah and James had had a relationship some ten years earlier and Sarah really didnHe wasn't want to work with him, particularly after her marriagehurt but Jake has history. Most people thought He has HLHS - that her husband's death in a plane crash had been Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome for those of you who are not ''au fait'' with your medical acronyms. When he was born, the cruel end to a good marriage. Only left side of his heart hadn't developed properly and he needed open-heart surgery when he was a few knew that he had been about to leave her to live with another womandays old. ItSo, Simon has every right to be over-protective particularly when someone isn't looking where they's left Sarah very reluctant to get involved with any manre driving.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0709089430</amazonuk>}} {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Margaret ThorntonC J Carey|title=Until We Meet AgainWidowland
|genre=Women's General Fiction|summary=In the fateful summer of 1914 Tilly Moon is settled in the midst of the Moon family in Scarborough. It's an extensive clan with the usual close relationshipsApril 1953, unusual situations and slight distances between people for no apparent reason. TillyAdolf Hitler's an accomplished pianist and she longs schedule includes going to Moscow to take her music studies further, but there's someone who's attend the state funeral of Joseph Stalin then within weeks coming to mean more London, parading around a bit, and watching over the sanctioned return to her than her musicthe throne of Edward VIII with his wife, Queen Wallis. Her twinFor yes, Britain caved in the lead-up to the World War Two that certainly didn's best friendt happen as we know it, and we are now a protectorate – well, Dominic Fraser is the apple we share enough of her eye and he feels the same way about herblood as the Germanic peoples on ''the mainland''. There are war clouds on But this is most certainly a different Britain, for Nazi-styled phrenology, and ideas of female purpose, has put all of that gender into a caste system, ranging from high-brow office bigwigs to the horizon though drudges, and when Britain declares war beyond those, right on Germany Tommy down to the childless, the husbandless and Dominic are quick the widows. Female literacy is actively discouraged. And in this puritanical existence, our heroine, Rose Ransom, is employed with the task of bowdlerising classical literature to enlist as were many take all encouragement for female emancipation out of it – after all, not every book can be banned, and not every story excised immediately from British civilisation, and so they just get a hefty tweak towards the men in and around party line before they're stamped ready for reprint. That is her job, at least, until the Moon familyfirst emerging signs of female protest come to light, with their potential to spoil Hitler's visit.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0749007486</amazonuk>152941198X
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Liza PalmerRuth Hogan|title=A Field Guide to Burying Your ParentsMadame Burova
|genre=Women's General Fiction|summary=Grace is reluctantly participating This book lets us discover several people in different stages of life in the early 1970s, all vaguely connected. So we have a 5k race when she receives the news: her estranged sister is calling to tell her their estranged father has had bullied half-cast boy (as he would have been called then), a stroke. That's two lots of estrangement girl in just two generations of family, but a summons is humdrum job wanting to become a summonssinger, and Grace soon finds herself dragged back into chiefly, Imelda, the heart third generation of the Madame Burova, ''Tarot-Reader, Palmist and Clairvoyant'', to use her family she deserted's sea-front booth. The singer, working with the others to discover the many hidden secrets of scryer and the father who deserted them all. Itsufferer's mother will all become staff at a tough jump from revamped holiday camp, but just before then we see Imelda fly solo for the first time in the family stall. We also see her on her happy life last day, fifty years later, in possession of a pair of letters that will change everything for a good jobwoman called Billie. Just who is she, a new boyfriend and a home of who delivered the secrets about her own to return to the family life she left behind a long time agoImelda, and Grace has why did it have to decide whether she can ignore the pull of her biological siblings once more or whether the remain a secret all this time has come to let bygones be bygones. After all, while there are lots of four letter words she would associate with her family, ''love'' is not one of them.?|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0340962151</amazonuk>152937331X
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Julia WilliamsJennifer Saint |title=Last ChristmasAriadne |rating=4.5|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=With Christmas fast approaching, what better way This re-telling of getting in the spirit myth of things than by reading this excellent book that captures the joys Ariadne and stresses of the festive season so well? The reader follows four different people – Catherine Tinsall and her husband Noel, Marianne Moore Minotaur is interesting and Gabriel Northunusual. Each of these characters have their own reasons for not really looking forward Jennifer Saint presents the story in a way that is sympathetic to its origins but also appealing to Christmas (mainly because of a modern audience. Saint's narrative is told predominantly through the experience viewpoint of last Christmas) and these reasons slowly become apparent Ariadne, spanning from her childhood to her death, allowing the reader to really connect with Ariadne as a character in her own right rather than just a prop in the story progressesheroics of Theseus.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1847560865</amazonuk>1472273869
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Camilla NoliLucy Holland|title=The Mother's TaleSistersong|rating=45|genre=Women's Literary Fiction|summary=''It Sistersong is early evening. part of a genre I am suckling my infant son… We are picture perfect. Madonna particularly enjoy, the modern retelling of folk and child''fairy tales.  No doubt about it: These stories, for most of us, are a new mother totally smitten cornerstone of childhood and I relish seeing them retold with her sonfresh eyes and a fresh perspective. Zach is adorable. Quiet. Undemanding. A happyIf handled well these retellings give new life and new meaning to stories that are now becoming increasingly narrow and outdated, generally relaxedfleshing out characters, child. Gorgeous.  But Zach isn't her firstexamining relationships and re-bornevaluating the role of women. First there was Cassie. A child who entered Sistersong is a perfect example of a modern retelling done well, the world screaming and has since learned exactly what power she can wring plot is handled with such lungs. Not yet two years oldcare, keeping its archaic historical feel but allowing the characters to come to life, Cassie adores her fatherto feel real and human, but even him she manipulatesmost importantly they feel relatable in a modern world whilst still feeling appropriate for the pre-Saxon age they live in. Her mother she terrorisesThis is a masterpiece of storytelling and I was captivated from beginning to end.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1409101584</amazonuk>1529039037
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Sue MoorcroftB08NF79QXT|title=Starting OverCherry Blossom Boutique|author=Brooke Adams|rating=43
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=The story opens Thirty-one-year old Liberty Rossini has had her shop, the Cherry Blossom Boutique, for just six months when Tess bumps her old reliable car into a breakdown truckshe's nominated for - and wins - the Retail Best Newcomer Award. That She's rather convenient, since delighted and the two people she isn's brought with her to the event couldn't hurtbe more pleased. Sonja, and the guy driving it is able to tow her to his garagemother, is an ex-model and then give Brazilian: you can see where Liberty got her a lift to her new homelooks from. Naturally, since this is the Jessica'chicks thirty-litfour and Liberty's best friend: they've known each other since university and Liberty adores Jessica' genres husband, Tess Charles and the trucktheir four-year-driverold daughter, who goes by the unlikely name of Ratty (an abbreviation of his surname) feel mutual antipathy of the sort thatAva. Life would be perfect for Liberty if it wasn's clearly going to lead, sooner or later, to strong attractiont for one thing: she misses having a man in her life.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1906931224</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Stella WhitelawB08GFSK2WZ|title=Midsummer MadnessThe Karma Trap|author=Lisette Boyd
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=You'll like Sophie GreshamGeorge Jackson is thirty-three years old, absolutely gorgeous to look at - and single. She wanted to be an actress but suffers from paralysing stage fright 's not had sex for eight months and when the side effects became too much for her she worked behind the scenes. She's a very good prompt despite the fact that you need to wrap up very warmly to survive stuck in the prompt corner she loves karma trap: an awful lot of bad luck is being visited on her job and most of the cast in the theatre companyshe has a real talent for attracting drama. ItHer life's a bit of a shock though when chaotic: she realises that dealt with the guest producer leak from New York is Joe Harrison, the man shower by putting something down at the bottom of the stairs to absorb the water - then the shower fell through the roof whilst she helped out when he had nothing to eat was in it and nowhere to sleepleft her, stark naked, staring at the pervy postman. Sophie was a little softer in those days – in the meantime sheShe only has to take her mother's had dog out for a walk for her to develop end up with dog poo spattered across her face - and a protective shellphoto being taken by someone who shares it around the office.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0709089147</amazonuk>
 {{newreviewFrontpage|authorisbn=Jennifer BohnetB08CHJLNBS|title=Follow Your StarCapturing Emilia|author=Brooke Adams|rating=3.5
|genre=Women's Fiction
|summary=ItHe's three years since Nanette Weston left MonacoCharles Devereaux, thirty-eight and a partner at Wickham Jones, the Mayfair letting agents. She'd been engaged s Emilia, twenty-nine, librarian and archivist in the heritage library next door. Emilia has read [[The Secret by Rhonda Byrne|The Secret]] but she's moved on from new age books like that, which leave you dependent on someone else's philosophies, to something a Formula 1 racing driver and had lived the life little deeper. Charles is more of the wealthy a [[Personal by Lee Child|Jack Reacher]] man himself, but a serious car accident had ended , above all , he's shocked thatEmilia reads ''The Guardian''. The accident could have killed her fiancé and she lost her driving licence because They're obviously not at all compatible, so why can Charles not get this woman out of the alcohol shehis mind? She's not his usual type at all: it'd consumeds obvious to his friends. Her slow recovery was hindered And given that Emilia regularly feels repulsed by the end of her engagement but Charles's superficiality, why does shefeel drawn to him? The relationship's found some contentment in being obviously a nanny to two young children. When her friend and employernon-starter, Vanessa, remarries and takes an extended honeymoon in the Amazon Nanette is asked to take the children back to Monaco where their father lives.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0709089090</amazonuk>isn't it?
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Miss ReadHelly Acton|title=Christmas at Thrush GreenThe Shelf|rating=4|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=Set in the rural village of Thrush GreenWhen we meet Amy, this book is the latest she's in a series surrounding familiar charactersrelationship with Jamie. There is the feisty Ella BembridgeYou can't really call it a partnership, who is finally having because things tend to admit that old age is creeping up as her eyesight fails. Friends such as Dimity and Charles Henstock are concerned about herget done on his terms, but she refuses to accept any help. Albert Piggott has decided it's time to retire now that his wife, Nelly, is a successful cafe owner and sticking around because she hopes she can afford to take care of change him! And relative newcomer Phil Hurst and . Ah, yes. Haven't we all been there? Things are looking up when he tells her husband are arranging the local nativity play, despite to pack for a number of set-backssurprise trip. Will everything Could this be in place for Christmasit? Is he ''finally'' going to get down on one knee? And will independent Ella make a decision about her futureWas the work (and the wait) worth it?|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1409101592</amazonuk>1838770879
|author= Alyssa Sheinmel
|title= What Kind of Girl
|rating= 4
|genre= Women's Fiction
|summary= '' Doing something when you're scared is braver than doing something when you're not''
{{newreview|author=Maxine Barry|title=River Deep|rating=3.5|genre=WomenWhen Mike Parker's Fiction|summary=Two young women both have girlfriend comes into school with a love of the Thamesblack eye, claiming he gave it to her, her whole world is tipped upside down. Melisande RayHer relationship has just ended and now she's beloved hotel, the Ray talk of Sunshine is on the river bankschool. It's here that guests come Mike was the most popular boy in school who want to be pampered and looked after was always so in the way love with her, everyone knew that only the best hotels can , so why did he do wellwhat he did? Some people believe her and some don't, but when Wendell James checks in to the hotel it's not pampering he's looking one thing is for. Hesure, this isn's buying a piece of land not far from the Ray of Sunshine and he's sussing out the competition. There's something personal in there too – if his new hotel means that the Ray of Sunshine goes under then that would be an added bonus. There's just a slight doubt in his mind when a red-haired maid catches his eyet going to blow over any time soon.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>0709088930</amazonuk>0349003297
 {{newreviewFrontpage|author=Leah FlemingKatie Fforde|title=Remembrance DayA Springtime Affair|rating=4|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=In the year 2000 an old lady in a wheelchair watches the unveiling of the new war memorial in the village square. ThereI's pride in ve wanted to read author Katie Fforde for ages and this was pretty much exactly what has been achievedI was expecting - a warm, cosy read focused on romance, in the family who are gathered around her and there are memories toofriendships. Some are good This provided two romances for the price of one, but many are notit was actually the family element as opposed to the romance that I really enjoyed.|amazonukisbn=<amazonuk>1847561039</amazonuk>1780897561
 {{newreview|author=Abby McDonald|title=The Popularity Rules|rating=4.5Frontpage|genreisbn=TeensB07W4MNBSG|summary=This book is labelled as Abby McDonald's first adult novel, but a brief browse at the juvenile title, cover and formatted content bowls it straight down the teen read alley. The Americanised language, music scene setting and media heroine are aspirational stuff when you're stuck in the pre-scene years. So, despite its label, I've given it four and a half stars based on its appeal as a girlie book. That said, I'm well over eighteen, read the story avidly, and enjoyed the irony. So well done, Abby McDonald, for an entertaining story, cleverly told. |amazonuk=<amazonuk>0099533898</amazonuk>}} {{newreviewBe Careful Who You Marry|author=Anne Baker|title=Through Rose-Coloured GlassesLizzy Mumfrey
|genre=Women's General Fiction|summary=Dinah Radcliffe lived It was coming up to Halloween in one of the poorer parts of Liverpool 1987 and whilst there might not have been a lot group of money to spare she was happy in her job as an apprentice milliner and spent her free time nursing her mother, Sarahsixth-form schoolgirls wondered what they would be doing when they were fifty. Her father had been killed in the Great WarWhen you're only seventeen that seems positively ancient, but it Liz was convinced that ''your entire life depends on who you marry''. The only eligible boys were the nineteen thirties Young Farmers and the Radcliffes idea of living in a farmhouse and having a couple of children called Will and Olly appealed to Charlotte, or perhaps William and Oliver if you were making Elizabeth who was determined to marry the best of thingsrather superior Patrick Shepley-Botham. The son of place to start their next door neighbour search was a jockey and it was his free tickets which took Dinah and her friend to a race meeting at Aintreeobviously the Young Farmers' Halloween disco that weekend. It There was just one problem - there that she met Richard Haldane, a widowed businessman who swept Dinah off her feet and introduced her to a life of wealth and privilege beyond her wildest dreams. Within weeks they were married - and within hours Dinah discovered that her husband was not too many Elizabeths in the man she thought he wasclass.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0755356640</amazonuk>
{{newreview|author=Carole Matthews |title=That Loving Feeling|rating=3.5|genre=Women's Fiction|summary=Have you ever wondered what successful authors write about? Since they no longer partake of the everyday world of work, how do they 'write about what they know' while still sounding fresh and up to the minute? And how do they think up all those unique plots? Well, Carole Matthews has solved the problem in 'That Loving Feeling' by setting the book in a Public Library, cleverly utilising the hours she must have spent promoting her previous romantic comedies at Libraries up and down the country. To be cruising towards twenty published novels suggests plenty of interest from library readers and it's a rather nice touch, isn't it, to set a book amongst your loyal fan base.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>0755354168</amazonuk>}} {{newreview|author=Sharon Griffiths |title=The Lost Guide Move on to Life and Love|rating=4.5|genre=Women's Fiction[[Features|summary=Tilly Flint is a food journalist living in London and hankering for a more glamorous life than the one she has. She has a taste of this when her boyfriend Jake takes her to an upmarket nightclub frequented by top footballers and models. Little does she know at the time but some of the people she only glimpses that night are about to become very important to her. Just after, she agrees to go on a working holiday with Jake and they book an isolated cottage in the Pennines. However, an almighty row leads to Jake storming out and Tilly being left on her own. Surprisingly though, it is relief rather than fear that she experiences, particularly when she realises that where she is staying has very strong links with her family's history and that everyone knows of her Great Granny Allen who's sayings Tilly's mother is so fond of quoting.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1847560911</amazonuk>}}latest features]]