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A final word of warning, this is not a book for the faint-hearted. I am a veteran of many horror films and books that many people would find too much and even I was a little put off by two of the stories in this collection. Being disturbed by two out of the twenty probably reflects poorly on me as the majority of readers would have a far greater sense of revulsion throughout. However, in a collection of short stories that is designed to make the reader question their sensibilities; being sickened is part of the process. If you are looking for a jet black book that will put you off your lunch then ''Burnt Tongues'' is a great collection. Just don't say you were not told.
If this book appeals then try [[Rant: The Oral History of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk]] and [[The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks]]. You might also enjoy [[Make Something Up by Chuck Palahniuk]]or [[The Infernal Republic by Marshall Moore]] although we weren't too keen on that one.