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A quick tip by the way: don't assume that any of the story is just padding, even the discourses about past events. Heed well the history lessons as they will serve you well in the future.
Meanwhile jumping back on my train of thought… It's not just the characters that develop. We learn a lot more about the black pearls, Rix's sword Maloch (and his mother's motive for giving it to him) along with some hugely satisfying battles, a siege, a tower episode that will drag you beyond the edge of your seat and a bitter sweet bittersweet encounter for Tali… bless her! Oh and Rix goes extreme house hunting.
There are newbies; indeed, we welcome Holm to the cast, whoever he may be. It didn't take long for me to cross my fingers and wish hard that he survives. For something we've learnt is that Ian Irvine isn't one who acquiesces to the whims of readers but who prefers to write a yarn we'll never forget, and this he does, with exciting, surprising, creative knobs on.
If you haven't read it, then you'd be missing a lot if you didn't read [[Vengeance: The Tainted Realm: Book 1 by Ian Irvine]]. If you're already a fan, then you may also enjoy [[Promise of Blood (Powder Mage Trilogy) by Brian McClellan]] or, if you like your epic fantasy even darker, try [[The Grim Company by Luke Scull]].
[[Ian Irvine's The Tainted Realm Trilogy in Chronological Order]]