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The hardest part of the system for me was forgiveness. Forgiving yourself is probably the most difficult, but the realisation that you can go over and over the past without any hope of improving it puts it in perspective. I found forgiving most people easy, particularly when I weighed everything up and realised that I wasn't without my shortcomings, but this is an area where I still struggle with one particular person. For the time being I'm handling this by denying the negative thoughts rent-free time in my head. It's helping.
The final step is the thought that twenty -four hours is a lifetime. Make the most of today. Enjoy it. I've perhaps lived too much of my life preparing for the future.
The book is easy reading and written in an engaging style. There's no pretention pretension and no preaching, although some people might find that there are too many biblical quotes for their personal taste. They are all relevant though and on occasions , I found a light shone onto religious ideas with which I'd struggled in the past. I've had the book for about a month now and I'm conscious of feeling happier and more settled.
I'd like to thank Sandy for sending a copy to the Bookbag.
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