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This review is about the book, not the extremely popular television series which has sprung from Maureen Jennings' characters, but a brief word comparing the two is in order here. Most people will know Murdoch from the television before they encounter the books, and this is reinforced by the cover of the book, which shows photos of the actors. It is a little misleading however: the ebullient and enthusiastic Crabtree is a more sober individual with family responsibilities in the book, and Murdoch's TV love interest, Dr Julia Ogden, does not appear at all. This in no way detracts from the story, however (and the cover was probably a marketing decision rather than something the author wanted), so if you want a good, cosy read with interesting characters, an admirable hero and an unusual setting, then you will certainly enjoy this book. And the good news is that several more of the books are being re-released in fairly quick succession, so you will not have to wait too long for the next one!
One of the best-known writers of detective fiction set in Victorian times is Anne Perry. Try [[Acceptable Loss by Anne Perry|Acceptable Loss]] or [[Betrayal at Lisson Grove by Anne Perry|Betrayal at Lissom Grove]] which will provide a good introduction to Detectives Monk and Pitt. We also have a review of [[Vices of My Blood: Murdoch Mysteries by Maureen Jennings]].