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|author=Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti
Meet Ethan. He's an average teenager, in that his mouth is very quick to get him in trouble. He's beyond average though, when you consider this is a superpower of a kind, that allows him to know what he shouldn’t know, speak what shouldn't be said – anything to get you to hear what you need to hear, and to get him five minutes along the course of life. Even if ten minutes later he's much further up the proverbial creek. Until last year he was a Zero – there was a gang of teenagers with weird and unusual powers. The 'boss' has a charisma; one girl is receptive to all electronic fields and communication, and therefore can stop them at will; a blind girl can see through borrowing the field of vision of anyone she can focus her mind on. Oh and there might be a fifth one, but it's a little hard to tell. Anyway, in a contrived fashion Ethan will end up with criminal loot, and try and calmly deposit it when more criminals turn up to rob the bank. Cue Ethan, and his ability to verbally deliver the unexpected, and start a heck of a lot of drama…