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|title=I Am David
|author=Anne Holm
|date=September 7, 1989
David is twelve years old. All his life he has lived in a concentration camp in Eastern Europe. It is a terrible place. David knows nothing of the outside world except those things his one good friend and mentor, Johannes, now dead, told him. He has no story, no memories to hold on to, he doesn't know the names of his parents, or whether they are alive or dead even, what his religion is, or from which country he comes. It is not even clear to us, the readers, whether the camp is Nazi or perhaps post-war Russian. David knows only one thing: that he is David. It is not much upon which to build a life, is it? But it is all he has. And on the day that The Man, one of the camp guards hated by David, but one who has always been strangely protective of him, offers him a chance to escape, his name is the only thing he has to take with him. The Man has provided him with a compass, a bottle of water, and a bar of soap, David himself has only his name to bring.
|verb= replied
|comment= Thanks, Ken! Although I think the ambiguity about where David is/escapes from/to is deliberately ambiguous.
|name=Delzaan Sutaria
|verb= said
|comment=WOW!!!!!!!!!!The book is touching and full of emotion. It is a good review. A VERY GOOD REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!