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When the bomb exploded at the Karachi railway station causing intended death and mayhem, an aging ageing reactionary poet, his middle-aged son, a child, a writer and a woman who relates more to stories than reality, are in the midst of it. Each experiences the blast as differently as their experiences of life are from each other but each ''will'' be affected.
This is Pakistani writer and graduate from the legendary University of Iowa Writing School Bilal Tanweer's debut novel and he hasn't made it easy for himself. Bilal believes that a writer can convey an entire character via the dialogue rendering further character description unnecessary. This is the novel in which he sets out to prove his theory.
(Thank you, Jonathan Cape for providing us with a copy for review.)
Further Reading: If this appeals and you'd like to continue immersing in the richness of Pakistani culture, we recommend [[The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid]]. You might also enjoy [[Our Lady of Alice Bhatti by Mohammed Hanif]].