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|title=Maresi (The Red Abbey Chronicles)
|author=Maria Turtschaninoff and Annie Prime (translator)
Despite the name, there is nothing masculine about the island of Menos at all. Apart from a few male farm animals and birds, everything is feminine – the island is a rugged mountain land, home to only one abbey where everyone is female, and worshipping a female holy trinity – one Mother Goddess in three ages of life. The novices there are on the cusp, in several ways – of girls turning to women, of students turning to Sisters, of people learning what the religion means for them starting to practise it with a duty to others. And, of course, they are on the border between the past that took them to the abbey and what could come if they ever leave. Maresi comes from a family that lost one daughter through famine, and the inability to support themselves. New girl Jai, who has latched on to Maresi like her shadow to learn the ropes, has come from a place even darker – but whose future might be more blackened by darkness is for you to discover, in this trilogy-opening fantasy.