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|title=The Way To The Zoo
|sort=Way To Zoo, The
|date=April 2014
|summary=Brilliant fun for those who live in a zoo, or who just feel like they do, this is a fun-filled frolic you couldn't not love. I'd give it 6 out of 5 if I could.
It’s It's easy to lie in bed and see shadows on the wall and imagine what they could be. I still do it now though I know better than to think something that looks like, say, a door in the wall, might be a portal to another universe. Sylvie, though, wants to double check when SHE sees what looks like a door and it’s just as well she does, because lo and behold it IS a door and it DOES lead somewhere. It goes all the way to the zoo! All the animals look nice and friendly so because it’s getting late and she has school in the morning, Sylvie heads back to bed and invites a little bear to come with her for the night. She has her own real live teddy. What fun.
Of course all the animals want to come with her, but she has to be sensible and get them to take turns. The little ones are easier, especially the cuddly, furry ones. The penguins want to come but they’re a bit messy even when she runs them a bath, and they splash all over the place. The tiger is a bit large so she has to take the chair while Sylvie snuggles up with her cub. She is nice and invites the birds though I do wonder what sort of state they leave her room in, seeing as what happened when a crow flew down our chimney at the weekend and pooed all over the study (true story!)