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|author=Nicholas Bowling
|date=November 2017
''Witchborn'' surprised me. I knew I was going to enjoy it; I was really excited to read a book with elements of sorcery and witchcraft neatly blended into Elizabethan history. But I didn't think I'd enjoy it quite as much as I did. It caught me off guard in the best way possible.
The narrator, Alyce, is brilliant and I couldn't help but love her more as the book went on. She was a great role model: witty, intelligent, determined and brave but not perfect. Both her character and that of Solomon was very impressive and they were really well developed. Solomon was her sort of but not always her partner in crime and he was exceptionally funny as well as endearing; he's constantly saving Alyce's life and for that , I like him even more.
Bowling's writing is bewitching. His focus on the characters is refreshing and their introduction and subsequent nestling in readers' hearts is masterful.
The plot was great too and the pacing was just right. There are tons of suspicion and intrigue throughout the story, and readers will find themselves waiting impatiently for Bowling to reveal the book's secrets and connect the mysteries together.
I would have loved a bit more world -building and at times the story was quite predictable but that didn't stop me really enjoyed Bowling's debut novel.
Wonderfully character driven and entertaining, ''Witchborn'' is a fantastic debut that will surprise and delightfuldelight. With a haunting spookiness, Bowling's debut is one of THE books to curl up with, this coming season!
Many thanks to the publishers for providing a copy for review! We also have a review of [[In The Shadow of Heroes by Nicholas Bowling]].
In terms of further reading, [[The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner]] is superb (it's one of my all -time favourites and I never get tired of reading it). It is the perfect read after ''Witchborn''; it's a story full of dark sorcery and wickedness set against the backdrop of the French Revolution. It is really is a beautiful book and definitely the book to read next.