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|title=Time is Money
|author=T K Williams-Nelson
Remarkably, T K Williams-Nelson started writing her first novel at the age of fifteen when she was still at secondary school. She went on to publish two novels by the age of eighteen and not content with that started an online fashion boutique in 2015 when she was only twenty one. Our journey starts with a series of case studies: young, successful and creative individuals who have a story to tell become our role models. The author sets great store by the careful management of money: every penny counts from the start, because if you're running a business, cash flow is often delayed. I can only applaud this as I've read numerous reports of seemingly successful businesses which didn't survive simply because they'd failed to appreciate the problems which can arise when moneys receivable are slow to materialise.
Conventional advice is to spend using only cash - then you can't spend more than you actually have, however the author has a radical approach: use a card then you're not tempted to spend the change. This obviously requires a strong willpower with regard to the use of the card but is a sensible approach is if you really ''are'' watching every penny. For those looking for business funding, Williams-Nelson suggests that the Prince's Trust may be able to help. Don't rule out social media which is free and can be used to support a business. I liked the recognition that whilst money is obviously an important factor in any new business, it's necessary to retain your passion for what you're doing and always appreciate what your talent is worth. Whilst this is primarily directed at young people, many older people in business would do well to remember how important this is.
Williams-Nelson is particularly strong on time management. She sees procrastination as an enemy and emphasises the need for self motivation. Many young people will come to appreciate her advice that they should be unafraid to make mistakes: from personal experience I can confirm that doing something wrong is usually a good way of learning to do it correctly! What comes across clearly in this book is the author's single-minded approach. She freely admits that she's sacrificed an active social life to work towards goals which will benefit her in years to come. She's happy to forgo designer handbags, clothing and footwear in the hope that in later life she'll travel, own her own home and have money to buy what she wants.