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A professional copywriter and editor, Jacky works with a wide variety of entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals, crafting compelling copy that speaks for and about them, their products and services. Jacky’s journey to commercial writing saw here train as a stage designer at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama; work within feature film production for David Puttnam at Pinewood Studios; Paul Greengrass and Terence Davies at Granada Film and become Head of Viewer Support (North) for ITV. Establishing herself as a freelance writer in 2002 as Words to Fitt, in 2007 Jacky co-founded and is a director of The Big Ideas Collective (BIG) creative agency, together with the business development programme the Principles of Profit. An extension to BIG, in 2013, together with business partner, Ned Hoste, Jacky set up the Big Ideas Library, a publishing resource for independent authors. A Growth Accelerator coach and Institute of Leadership and Management endorsed trainer, Jacky lives in York, North Yorkshire with her family.