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Welcome to Bookbag's competitions! We have plenty more planned, so do keep checking back.

August Competitions

John was impressed with Paradise Red, the final part of the Perfect Fire Trilogy by K M Grant. Ten people have the chance to win a copy of the book - find out how here.

Stefan was blown away by The Magic Thief: Found by Sarah Prineas. For your chance to win a sged copy of the book enter the competition here.

Katie loved The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf: you can find our how to win a copy here.

For your chance to win a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee - one of the all-time classics - enter the competition here.

We'll add all entrants to our monthly newsletter list so you'll know when our next competitions go live, but if you'd prefer we didn't, just tell us with your entry and we won't. Please note that bulk entries and third party entries will be disqualified.

This competition is listed on Loquax - The UK Competitions Portal and at The Prize Finder - UK Competitions.