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How to choose and buy oil paintings online?

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Artwork is always supposed to be a great investment for your home or office. No matter how the interior trends change, original oil paintings always remain efficient not only for their ability to reflect deep emotions. If you are looking for artwork that does not require special storage conditions, oil painting is a perfect choice.

Why are oil paintings so popular?

These paintings practically do not change color over time. Interacting with light and air, the oil forms a thin transparent film that holds the pigments. Such paintings are less susceptible to moisture and sunlight than pastels or watercolors and can be restored easily. Although the paint layer may become cracked and the base stretched, an experienced craftsman can restore the canvas to its original appearance. Even if you buy a relatively inexpensive oil painting, over time it can become a real family heirloom.

Secrets of Successful Oil Painting Deal

Despite the popularity of oil artworks, the process of selecting and buying paintings, especially online, can be quite exhausting and complex. To choose the best painting for your apartments, use 5 top tips:

1. Buy from a reputable online service.

Sometimes unscrupulous dealers sell printed on canvas artworks instead of handmade oil paintings. Better to opt for an original oil painting, than handmade reproduction of famous art.

2. Consider your apartment's design.

Think about how your chosen piece of art will work with your interior. Size, color palette, and style of painting shouldn't discord with existing furniture.

3. Get acquainted with the artist.

Search for some information about the author of the selected painting. Knowing the story of the artist and the artwork creation makes your purchase more special and valuable.

4. Think about support.

Most galleries sell paintings as it is, so you should prepare the frame or create a stretcher beforehand.

5. Buy what you really love.

Pick the painting that resonates with your emotions and reflects your personality.

Buying Art