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The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Danielle Joseph

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We really enjoyed Danielle's book Indigo Blues and the chence to chat to us was too good to miss.

  • Bookbag: When you close your eyes and imagine your readers, who do you see?
The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Danielle Joseph


Summary: We really enjoyed Danielle's book Indigo Blues and the chence to chat to us was too good to miss.
Date: 28 January 2012
Interviewer: Robert James
Reviewed by Robert James

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Danielle Joseph: Love this question! When I first started writing YA I pictured an audience full of teens, mostly girls. Now I’m happy to say that I see everyone: boys, girls and adults too. I love how YA books are not only for teens.

  • BB: I loved the way you told Indigo Blues using the alternating points of view of Adam and Indigo - did you find one of them easier to write than the other?

DJ: Thanks! At first I was trepidatious to write from Adam’s point of view, being a woman and all. However, once I started writing I felt very comfortable with Adam. The hardest part was switching back and forth with the chapters and keeping them in real time together.

  • BB: Is Adam and Indigo's story done now, or could you see yourself revisiting one or both of them in the future? (I'd love to read more about Eli, personally - he was such a fantastic character!)

DJ: Thanks! I’m always open to revisiting the story. A lot of people have asked me what happens next for Adam and Indigo. And, I did have so much fun with Eli’s character and I’m sure he’d like his own book!

  • BB: You mentioned on Twitter recently that you'd visited the set of Radio Rebel, the upcoming Disney adaptation of your debut novel Shrinking Violet. Do you get any input into the adaptation, or do you

have to just stand back and cross your fingers?

DJ: I mostly crossed my fingers, but I did read the script a couple of months before I visited the set. And I’m happy to say that I really loved the script. I didn’t know what to expect on the set, but I was presently surprised at how great the cast and crew were.

  • BB: Following on from that previous question, is there any chance of seeing either Indigo Blues or Pure Red hit the screen?

DJ: I would love both Indigo Blues and Pure Red to hit the screen but as of now there is nothing in the works. Hopefully that will change!

  • BB: If you could ask any other author any question, who would you ask and what would you ask them?

DJ: Oh, this is a tough question! There are so many authors I’d love to chat with. I’d probably chose to sit down with Toni Morrison and ask her what her writing process is.

  • BB: Who or what inspired you to become an author?

DJ: My first grade teacher, Mrs. Peterson really got me started.

  • BB: What advice would you give to someone looking to write a novel for teens?

DJ: The best thing I can say is to write from your heart, listen to everyone around you and either join a critique group or attend writing workshops. You can’t grow as a writer if you don’t believe in yourself and if you don’t listen to everything that’s going on around you.

  • BB: What are you reading now?

DJ: I’m currently reading Touch Blue by Cynthia Lord and really enjoying it. Up next on my nightstand: The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler.

  • BB: What's next for Danielle Joseph?

DJ: I just completed a humorous, quirky middle grade novel and now I’m revising a humorous YA road trip manuscript. So hopefully both of them will hit the shelves soon!

  • BB: Thanks for talking to us, Danielle and we're looking forward to seeing those books.

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This interview was kindly given to us by the ever-generous Ya Yeah Yeah.